16. Swimming Lessons

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Spencer woke up smiling once she remembered the day: Sunday

She walked to her dresser and took out her swimming suit. It was a long sleeve and shorts. She knew she couldn't put on a bikini... not yet at least.

She was still insecure about the self-inflicted scars... but one day she knew she wouldn't be.

She remembered when Remus saw them, he didn't say anything but "let me kiss your scars."

She smiled at the thought of him running his hands through her hair.

She decided to put on some shorts and a matching top.

She reached down to the bottom of her dresser and took out some towels, her camera, and brought her wand.

She walked over to the great hall to get a quick breakfast before making her way to the lake.

As she made her way out of the great hall, she bumped into Remus who was very happy to see her.

"Good morning" he said with a smile on his face.

"Hey" she said returning the smile.

"Come to my classroom for a second?"

She nodded her head as they walked together. She placed her bags on a random desk.

Remus closed the door and Spencer turned to face him.

He brought his face closer to hers, he kissed her.

Spencer relaxed under his touch, her hands on his wrists as he cupped her cheeks.

Remus felt a wave of peace flow through him.

Spencer opened her eyes to look at the door, "you didn't lock the door" she remarked.

He turned around to walk back and locked it.

He ran towards her and wrapped his arms around her waist, then he picked her up.

"Remus" she said laughingly "put me down."

"No" he replied.

She wrapped her legs around his waist and looked him in the eye, both blushing.

Spencer closed her eyes and smiled.

"Spencer?" Remus asked.

"Shh... take in the moment" she said.

He smiled, but he wouldn't close his eyes.

She was there, holding onto him looking as beautiful as ever.

She took in the smell of him and his classroom, "Remus close your eyes" she said, knowing he hadn't listened to her.

"I'll miss the moment" he replied.

She opened her eyes, "what's the moment for you?"

"You" he admitted with a smile on his face.

She smiled and shook her head.

She brought her hand up to his face and closed his eyes.

"Spencer, I want to see you" he said.

"We are the moment" she replied. "Don't open your eyes until I tell you so" she added. He nodded his head at her response.

Spencer brought her chest closer to his, resting her head on his shoulder. She could feel him breathe.

She rubbed his back lightly and slowly felt him relax.

Remus finally moved his head to her shoulder.

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