28. *Messy hair and all

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"and you couldn't tell me this earlier?" Remus asked.

"Well I didn't think it was a big deal, anyway it's not like we had plans tomorrow" Spencer said as she took her shirt off.

"Darling- it's a date" he said while looking at her.

They were getting ready for bed, Spencer was looking for an outfit to wear tomorrow for her 'not date.'

"Would you stop- you sound just like Emily" Spencer said rolling her eyes.

"Emily is right, as am I" he said while standing up and walking toward Spencer.

She was looking at herself in front of the mirror, placing shirts on top of her body.

"Don't side with her" she said as she looked at him through her mirror.

"Admit it, it's a date" he said while placing his chest against her back.

"Listen I love the jealousy, don't get me wrong, but it's really nothing" she giggled.

He placed kisses on her shoulder, making Spencer shiver.

"Remus" she whispered, "is this you claiming me?" she smirked. Remus took his lips off her back and turned her over, "you dog" she said as she kissed him.

Remus opened his eyes through the kiss as he realized what she said.

Spencer kept her eyes closed, once she pulled back she looked at him.

"Kiss me again" she said while wrapping her arms around his neck.

Remus smiled as he kissed her once more.

He picked her up and Spencer wrapped her legs around him. He carried her over to the bed.

"Darling," he said while kissing her neck.

"Mmh" Spencer said, melting at his touch.

"You're so beautiful it hurts" he said as he moved further down, undoing her bra kissing her breasts.

Spencer blushed, "Remus?" she asked.

He took his lips off and looked up at her.

"I want you" she breathed.

"Don't do this because you want to clarify it's not a date" he said running his thumb across her cheek.

"I'm not... I want you" she smiled. "This can be one of your Christmas presents" she giggled.

It was barely settling in what she was really asking for, "are you sure" he asked in a whisper.

Spencer smiled, "never have I ever before" she said kissing him once more.

His left hand travelled all over her body, her legs wrapping around his waist.

His lips roamed over her chest, leaving darkening pink marks when he could. He kissed every part of her skin, savoring the moment.

His hand made its way inside her underwear, he moved it to the left and ran his finger up and down while she grabbed onto his hair.

"No tie this time?" she asked grinning.

He faced her, hand still moving vertically on the outside of her lips.

"I want our first time to be perfect" he said into her mouth.

He inserted two fingers in, Spencer moaned.

"You deserve perfect" he said kissing her once more.

His tongue mirrored the action of his fingers and if the movements would speak they would say one word.


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