123. Wonderful experience

393 22 13

Harry, how are you?

Andrew and I have settled into our new apartment.

How's school going?

Can you please write back.

I love you,


"Where have you been?" Andrew asked from the couch, putting the newspaper he had down.

"What do you mean? I just came back from-"

"Don't bother lying- tell him to at least remind you he marked your neck up next time" he cut her off.

She closed her eyes in embarrassment.

"So, how was it?"

"Fine" she answered, walking to her room.

"Fine? Just fine?" he followed her.

"The usual" she shrugged, changing into comfortable clothes.

"Oh, sure," he nodded, "he came, you came. What else is there."

"Shut up" she laughed. "I don't want to talk about it."

"You never talk about it, you should. With me. Because I currently am lacking in that department" he sat down on her bed.

"We need to get jobs" she tried to change the subject.

"Yes yes, make friends. You're gone for three days and you won't tell me what you dirty animals did?"

"You know what we did" she replied with an eye roll.

"I don't, tell me" he feigned innocence.

"Sex. Happy?"


"Bed. Table. Couch. Shower... stairwell" she added.

Andrew smirked, "dirty girl."

"What can I say, this is what happens when mothers don't love their daughters" she shrugged as she got in bed.

Andrew laughed out loud.

"By the way, the Weasley's invited is for dinner tonight. I said yes" he pet her leg.

"And if I hadn't arrived by today?"

"I'm sure I would've loved to go into his house- drag you by the hair, dunno" he shrugged.

She giggled, "get out of my room, I need sleep."

"Of course you do" he left.


"I will not be waking her up" Lily argued.

"Well I cant, I'm a guy. I'm married" he argued back. "What's my wife going to think?"

"Shut up" Spencer groaned, turning around.

"Oh good, you're awake" James spoke.

"Am not, go away" she covered her ears with a pillow.

"For someone that was worried over whether or not we'd like them, you sure don't care to try" he replied.

"Ignore him" Lily said.

"Trying" Spencer groaned. "Has anyone ever told you you're annoying?"

"Yes. My wife. On multiple occasions believe it or not" he nodded.

"On our wedding day too" she chuckled.

Spencer studied their faces, they looked differently than they did in the cemetery.

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