Do I look 'Posh' to you?

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Paige's POV

"Paige!" I hear my mother shout from downstairs.

I groaned and rolled over to look at my clock.

1:20 pm

"Paige!" My mother shouts again.

"Yes, Mum?" I shout back to her.

"You're not still sleep are you?" She asks.

"Well, not anymore." I shout back, climbing out my bed to stretch before making my way downstairs.

I enter the kitchen to see my mother there, reading another issue of People Magazine.

I roll my eyes. She's always trying to keep up with the latest drama in America.

She looks up from her magazine at me, "Dear, you sleep entirely to late."

I shrug my shoulders, "What can I say? It's my favorite hobby." I walk over to the cupboard and grab a glass, "What are you reading about now Mum?"

Her eyes light up at my question, "Oh you know, same old, same old. Looking at pictures of Northwest. Cute as a button, yes she is."

I roll my eyes but smile slightly, "Mum, you really need to get out more."

"Ha!" She fake laughs, "I could say the same for you! All summer you basically stayed up in that room of yours, on your phone. Who is it you text all that time anyways?"

I roll my eyes, "There're friends mum. You know, Nikki, Naomi, Roman, Dean-"

"Seth." My mother finishes for me and smirks.

"Yes, Seth." I say rolling my eyes once again. My mother had met all of my friends several times, but she believes that Seth and I were made for each other.

I think she's delusional. I mean I have no problem with Seth but... He just.... A good boy.

He does everything by the rules, turns in his assignments, strait A's. The perfect golden boy and there's nothing wrong with that.

I, on the other hand, am nothing like that. I could care less about grades, teachers or anyone who isn't causing me good. I don't play by the rules. I have my own set and I make them up as I go.

Whereas some people may find it cute and cliché, I don't. I only see Seth as my nerdy little friend. No more, no less.

She chuckles, "Dear, why don't you go out today?"

I groan, "Do I have to?"

She laughs, "Yes! Paige, it's the last Saturday before school starts back! Go have some fun. Go to a mall or something, invite your friends. I'll even give you some money."

I groan again and walk back to my room, "I hate you for forcing me to go into the outside world."

"Oh get over it!" She shouts back with a laugh causing me to smile.

I pull out my phone and send out a group message to my ten of my friends, seeing who was available.

Paige: who up for a trip to the mall?

After a couple seconds they began to respond

Nikki: sounds good to me :)
Seth: I'm free.
Naomi: let me check with dad.
Nikki: Nam, you know your dad is gonna say yes.
Naomi: I'm still gonna check in with him.
Randy: sorry can't, going to a family lunch :(
Paige: I understand Randy, no big deal.
Hunter: I don't think I can go either, I'm kinda grounded
Nikki: for what?
Stephanie: Sneaking out to see me, and I don't think I can make it either sorry sweets.
Paige: it's alright :)
Roman: I'm up for it.
Naomi: I can go, dad said its ok.
Roman: great.. Naomi's gonna be there.. :(
Naomi: SHUT UP
Nikki: stop arguing
CM: I can't, AJ is taking me to meet her grandparents.
Nikki: awe that's sweet
CM: yeah I guess
Dean: let me check my plans....
Seth: Dean you have no plans
Dean: and how would you know
Dean: ... Ohhh yeah. Paige I'm free.
Roman: Your a piece of work Ambrose
Dean: yes yes I am.

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