Is my middle name clever?

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Dean's POV

"Hop in sexy." I say to Naomi as she opened the door to the back seat and climbed in and quickly hit me on my head, "No hitting the driver miss."

"Shut up before I text Roman." She said with a laugh as Seth passed her the coffee that he had bought for her, "Awe Seth! You're so sweet."

"Hey hey hey." I say to her as I back out of her driveway, "He bought that with my money. So thank me."

"Yeah," Seth said, "The money you got from Roman."

"Hey," I say to him, "Shut the fuck up."

"Be nice to him." Naomi said to me.

"She said be nice to me." Seth said with a smirk and stuck his tongue out at me which caused me to roll my eyes.

"Is this how it's gonna be between the three of us today?" I asked with a playful groan. Today, it was just going to be me, Naomi and Seth. The rest were already at the school taking their SAT. The three of us had already took ours last semester.

"Well if you could be nice." Naomi said with a laugh.

I rolled my eyes playfully, "Do you guys even feel like going to school? I mean, we're not gonna be doing anything anyways, most everyone is testing."

"We seriously never even go to school." Seth said with a laugh.

"Fuck school." I say to him, "And teachers, and the school board, and education. Shit it's not like I learn anything."

"Because you don't pay attention." Seth said.

"No," I explain to him, "Because teachers can't do their jobs and teach. There's more drama between teachers and student than there is between students and students."

"Right." Naomi said, "I swear me and Ms.Mayhor have beef."

"Ok that old woman is delusional." Seth admitted.

"She's delusional, stupid, freakin racist, and everything else." Naomi mumbled while crossing her arms, "And she's the director of the play this year so guess who probably won't be getting the lead role."

"Oh fuck her Nams." I say to her, "She can have whatever opinion she wants about you but she can't deny talent. Something that you have a lot of."

"Awe look Seth," Naomi said with a laugh while kicking my seat slightly, "Deany can be nice."

"I'm gonna tell your significant others that you two are flirting with each other." Seth said in a whiny voice and I hit him hard on the arm.

"Both hands on the wheel Ambrose!" Naomi shouted as I took both of them off and drove with my knees.

"Stop hitting me!" Seth said while hitting me back.

"Stop being stupid!" I say as I continue to hit him.

"We're all going to die before the day ends." Naomi mumbled as we both stopped and laughed it off, "You two are weird."

"I strive to be weird." Seth said, "So thank you very much... Hey I got a question."

"Ask away." She said to him.

"Are you mad at Paige or something?" He asked her, "Cause she called me yesterday and sounded upset about it."

"Oh my god." She groaned, "No, I'm not mad at her. What all did she say?"

"Something about you two just arguing but that's all, why?" He asked her.

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