February 30th isn't a date

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I wanna cry... I miss these two and shield so much.

Seth's POV

'I usually love sleeping all alone,
Next time around, bring a friend with ya.
But we ain't really gonna sleep at all,
You ain't gone catch me with them sneak pictures.'

I smile slightly as I watched Roman quietly quietly sing the lyrics to Often by The Weeknd while the song played off of Deans phone and he washed the dishes.

"I thought you didn't even like this song." I say to Dean quietly as we both watched him.

Dean shrugged, "I'm using IHeartRaido. I can't control what they play."

I shrug and throw one of my Fruit Loops at Roman.

"Hey." Roman said while turning around and glaring at me slightly, "Stop throwing food. I just swept the floor."

"Nice singing Superman." Dean said while throwing a Cheerio at him.

"What did I just say about throwing food?" Roman asked while rolling his eyes.

"To not to." Dean said while smirking.

"Then why did you throw some more?" Roman asked as he picked up the cereal and threw it in the trash.

"Because," I say, "He is,"

"Dean," Dean said with a smirk.

"Freaking." I say with a laugh.

"Ambrose." Dean said again with a laugh.

"Bitch." I say and we both started laughing as Roman rolled his eyes.

"Oh it's so funny to call me a bitch." Roman said while fake laughing.

"Well with hair like that..." I trailed off with caused Dean to laugh harder, and myself also.

"I swear I hate you two sometimes." Roman said while turning back back to the sink.

"You love us." I say with a laugh.

"Sad but true." Roman said while putting a bowl in the water.

"So guess who texted me." Dean asked.

"Who?" I ask.

"Laney." Dean said.

"Laney?" Roman asked, "As in Laney from PWA? When did you even get her number?"

Dean nodded, "Yeah her. I got her number. Billy's too, for Benny and Sarah lately. They both love them."

"Who doesn't love them?" I ask with a laugh.

"So what did she text you about?" Roman asked.

"Well," Dean said, "Vince showed some of the managers the videos of us wrestling, and they were pretty impressed. They wanna use some of the footage for commercials and stuff."

"That pretty cool." I say.

"You wanna know what's cooler than that?" Dean said, "They wanna pay us. Like monthly, until they stop using the commercial."

"How much?" Roman asked while picking up a glass.

"Well," Dean said, "Laney said that Vince is trying to get them to pay us more, but she said around 1,500 a month per person."

My eyes widen and Roman dropped the glass in the sink.

"You're kidding me right?" Roman asked, "Can they even afford to do that?"

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