life and soul

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Naomi's POV

"Coach wants us to help the up coming freshmen with their tumbles after school today." Nikki told me as I placed my Physics book in my locker, "She explained the girls as being... um... a bit below average with their performance."

I groaned slightly as I shut my locker, "I thought she planned that for next week."

"I did too." She said, "But she ran up and told me after lunch today."

"Well I'm not gonna be able to make it." I said with a sigh as I leaned against the locker, "I have a hair appointment after school."

Nikki frowned slightly, "Can't you cancel or something?"

"I've already canceled on her twice." I say to her, "I was supposed to have had this done two weeks ago. I can't just miss again. That's rude."

She gave a small groan, "I don't wanna be there by myself."

"You won't be there by yourself Nik." I reassured her, "The other senior cheerleaders will be there."

"Yes I will." She told me, "JoJo is out sick with the flu, Summers pregnant, and you have to get your hair done."

"Brie's gonna be there." I pointed out and she shot me a glare, "You two still aren't talking, huh?"

She sighed and shook her head, "No. We don't talk at home. We don't talk here. I don't even acknowledge her most of the time. It's the most quite our house has ever been."

"Have your parents noticed a change with you two?" I asked her, though I already knew the answer.

She rolled her eyes, "There on some business trip again, so they wouldn't know. They wouldn't care if they were around though."

"Your parents stay gone." I say to her.

"Tell me about it." She mumbled, "They've been for about 3 days this whole month."

She shook her head and looked at me, "Nams, please just stay up here with me. Hopefully it won't even be that long so you can leave and go get your hair done."

"Nikki." I replied, "I can't. Look, you and Brie are gonna have to talk at some point."

"So are you and Roman, but your not rushing to that now are you?" She told me and I shot a glare at her before sighing.

In relationships you will always have ups and downs. There's no such thing as a 'perfect relationship', some of just better at hiding the rough times that others.

I guess you could say that Roman and I were going through one of those 'down' moments.

I just want to lay with him and talk about this, tell him how I felt and reassure him that he's the only guy for me, but he needs his space right now and I have to respect that.

And he has every right to be mad.

Did I intend for Randy to kiss me? Twice? No. But I should have told him. Maybe it could have eliminated this entire situation from happening. So that part really is my fault.

As far as it goes with Randy, we haven't spoken to each other either. In fact, he hasn't even been at school for the past few days which made me question where his whereabouts were, but in no way was I about to go try to find and talk to him. It's too soon.

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