Nice choice brotha

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Seth's POV

"Ok let me have a um," Dean said as he looked up at the Menu above us, "Three Big Macs, three large fries, three large drinks, a 20 piece chicken nugget with sweet and sour sauce. And let's throw in 2 Apple Pies, and a Cookie... Ok, that's for me so what are you guys getting?"

Roman glared at Dean, "Dean don't make me-"

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding." Dean said back to him, "Plus I'm helping you pay for it because I got my paycheck last week. And hey, lady, throw in three parfaits too, we're trying to be healthy."

The women rolled her eyes before the walking off, muttering a few choice words as she did so.

Dean glared at her, "Did she just get an attitude?"

"Calm down Dean." I say to him with a sigh.

"No." He said while crossing his arms, "She doesn't have to get an attitude with me. It's not my fault she's getting paid 16 cent an hour."

"Dean!" I shouted at him while Roman covered his mouth to keep from laughing, "That's not nice. You don't get paid much more."

He shrugged, "I'm in high school, so it's expectable."

I rolled my eyes at his behavior and turned my back to him while the rain trickled outside.

Dean groaned, "Geez I'm sorry, don't be a big baby about it."

I rolled my eyes at him again before the lady returned with our food and Roman handed her the money that was needed to cover it and we walked over to one of the empty tables.

I picked over a few of the fries, but don't really eat anything. I really hadn't had a large appetite the past few days with all that's been going on.

"Hey." Dean said while putting a hand on my shoulder, "Stop thinking about stuff. Just relax man, eat. Be like Roman and shove it in your mouth."

"I am not shoving food in my mouth." Roman said while chewing a large mouthful of his hamburger.

I laughed slightly and grabbed a few more fries

"Ok." Dean said while taking a chicken nugget, "I wanna tell you guys something."

"What did you break?" Roman asked.

"Or destroy?" I asked him.

"Or blow up?" Roman asked again.

"Since when have I blown something up?" Dean asked while rolling his eyes.

"8th grade." Roman said to him, "You had that water bottle, a light, and a can of air freshener with a latex balloon attached to it and it caught the end of my hair on fucking fire-"

"Why do you even remember that." Dean interrupted while waving it off, "You were fine."

"Yeah." Roman said while rolling his eyes, "After we put out the fire."

"I didn't blow anything up, Christ!" Dean shouted with a groan, "It's good news."

"You're deciding to go to college?" I asked him.

"Hell no." He said to me, "You guys are terrible guessers. It's about Benny."

"Oh," Roman said, "Is he alright?"

Dean nodded, "Yeah and could be better."

"How so?" I asked him and a smile appeared on his face.

"Ok," he said to us, "When we got home last night, I talked to him on the phone and he told me that he may have a sugary."

"That's a good thing?" Roman asked.

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