Proud To Be A Bitch

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Nikki's POV

What's wrong with bein
What's wrong with bein
What's wrong with bein confident?

I shout the lyrics to Confident by Demi Lavato as I continue to get dressed for school.

"Turn that shit down Nicole!" Brie yelled from somewhere in the house.

I walk over to my speaker and turn it up three notches and begin to sing louder.

"Nicole!" She yelled again and I turned it up until I couldn't year her screaming again.

'That's more like it.' I think to myself as I skip slightly over to nightstand and grab my phone to see a text from Paige and another from Dean

Paige: morning babe. Sorry about not texting you back last night....I gotta talk to you and Nams today about something...

Dean: Good morning Mrs. Nikki Ambrose 😍 Seth and Roman and riding with Paige and Naomi this morning (Seth's actually getting in a car with Paige again... Weird) Roman let me have the car (he gave his stupid set of rules that I'm gonna break too) so I'm comin to pick you up.

I smile down at my phone and send a quick reply to the both of them and make my way to my closet, by this time by radio was playing Formation by Beyoncé.

I dance slightly to the music as I pick out a sweater that Dean had bought for me that said 'If you think I'm cute, then you should see my boyfriend'.

I laugh slightly at the memory of him buying the shirt at the mall along with one for himself that said the same thing, except it said 'girlfriend' instead.

I grab a pair of jeans as well and my trainers and walk out of the closet.

"Nicole!" I heard Brianna shout as she banged on my door as I put my shirt and pants on, "Fucking turn it down!"

I simply shrug and walk into the bathroom to so my hair. I have to wipe the fog from the window that was there from when I took a shower earlier.

"Nicole!" I heard Brie shout again but her voice sounded closer.

I opened my bathroom door and saw her standing in my room with her arms crossed.

"Turn this down!" She shouted at me.

"Well you're in here." I say to her though I doubt she could hear me, "You turn it down."

She groaned and walked over to my radio and turned it completely off.

"Did you not hear me calling your name or something?" She growled at me.

"I heard you." I say to her as I walked back into my bathroom, "Sadly, I heard you."

"Then why didn't you turn it down?" She asked.

"Cause I didn't want to." I say as I take my hair out of the bun it was in and began to run a brush through it.

"That's just being childish." She said as she stood at the doorway of the bathroom.

"Oh well." I say to her as I continued to brush my hair.

"You've always been the childish one you know-" she started but I stopped her.

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