Like a Architect

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Seth's POV

"Seth wake up." I hear Dean's voice say while shaking me.

I groan, "Let me sleep for another five minutes."

"No, Seth," Dean said while shaking me again, "Get up."

I groan but pull the covers off myself and get out of the bed. I walk over to the closet and pull out a random shirt, pair of pants, and a jacket. It was beginning to get colder outside now and it was needed.

"What time did Paige even drop you off last night, dude?" Dean said while putting on his own shirt, "I don't remember you coming in, so I was probably sleep already."

"Around eleven," I tell him, while thinking of Paige. I smile slightly.

"Eleven?" Dean asked, "That's pretty late, dude. How long did you two work on that art project? You know we get to work on it in class, don't finish it all in one night."

I forgot that I had texted him and said that Paige and I were gonna work on our Art project...

'Well we were gonna do that... Then we watched videos... Then we... Uh...' I think to myself as I feel my face heat up at the thought of yesterday.

"It's nowhere near done," I say to him, "We barley even started."

"So what were you doing over there so late?" He asked me.

I open my mouth to make a excuse but Roman walked in the room.

"Dean," he said, "Have you seen the keys?"

"Did you check the couch?" He asked him.

Roman raised a eyebrow, "Why would they be in the couch?"

Dean shrugged, "Shit always ends up there."

Roman shook his head, "I'll go check, and you two finish getting dressed."

"Gotcha." Dean said then walked over to grab his hoodie and backpack and left the room.

I sigh, I was kinda grateful he had left for now. If he kept asking questions, I was going to end up telling him the truth. I'm not sure when Paige wanted people to know, so I keep my mouth closed.

I grab my phone off my nightstand and my bag and walk out of the room.

"I told you they'd be on the couch!" I heard Dean shout at Roman as I entered the living room, "Everything's on the couch. I'm not crazy."

"Ok lunatic," Roman says as he walks into the kitchen, "I gotcha."

I follow him into the kitchen and Dean is right behind us.

"So," I say as I open the fridge, "How's everything, Roman?"

He sighs, "Um, fine I guess."

"That's doesn't sound like it's too fine," Dean said to him.

Roman rolled his eyes, "It is, what it is."

"I don't wanna be the one to say I told you so..." Dean said and Roman glared at him.

"So I'm just gonna shut my mouth..." Dean said while rubbing the back of his neck. Dean may love to push Romans buttons, but he knows when to stop it when is a topic Roman is sensitive or vulnerable to.

"How are you and Randy?" I ask him trying to get him to stop glaring at Dean.

Roman sighed and ran a hand through his hair, "We haven't talked since Saturday night over here, and we all know how that ended."

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