That one kiss

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Naomi's POV

"AJ." I say while I pour a can of green beans into a pot, "Change the song on my phone."

"Password?" She asked as she stopped mixing a bowl and went to my phone.

"Um," I say, "RRNF102315."

"So your one of those girls who has either your boyfriends name or date you got together as their password," Nikki said with a laugh, "Or in your case, both."

"Hush," I say as I felt my face hear some, "Your password was 'Deany' when you and Dean got together."

"It still is." She said, "But that's his nickname."

"Stop it there." I say to AJ as it stops on One Last Time by Ariana Grande.

I heard laughing coming from the living room and I smile to myself. All of the boys were in there with my Dad along with Benny and Sarah. I knew Dad would love them, and I hadn't expected Sarah and Benny to come over, but I'm glad they did.

"What are they doing in there?" Stephanie asked while chopping celery.

"Probably watching TV or doing something stupid/said something stupid." I say to her.

"Why are boys so stupid?" Sarah asked as she walked in the room while holding Benny who was asleep.

"They've always been Sarah," Paige said to her, "They always will be ."

"Naomi," Sarah said while walking over to me, "Roman said to give Benny to you."

I sigh and take him out of her arms, "Why would he say that and he knows I'm cooking?"

"Cause it gives me a picture perfect image of my future." I heard Roman say as he walked into the kitchen.

"Ew." Paige said, "It's a male."

"Ha ha," Roman said while walking over to me, "Funny."

"Get out my kitchen." I say to him while turning back to yeah stove.

"I don't want to." He said while wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Do you wanna eat later?" I ask him as Benny shifted against me.

"Yes." He said quickly. I really don't understand why boys think that eating was like the second most important thing in the world... The first either being sleep, sex, or sports.

"Then out my kitchen." I say and kick him slightly.

He groaned, "I was gonna help you."

"Then here," I say and hand him Benny, "Go lay him down in my room. Keep the door cracked so if he wakes us, he can get out."

"Fine." He said while walking out with Sarah following right behind him, "Oh, and Randy said Eva's in Florida and can't come."

"Awe." Paige said, "I thought she was gonna be able to come over... Hey are you gonna cook enough food for me to bring some home to mum? She's working at the hospital today."

"I'm cooking enough food to feed all of America, about 75 percent of Mexico and about all of Canada." I say to her with a laugh.

"I'm pretty sure is not that much." Nikki said while checking on the turkey in the oven."

I shrug, "Close enough. I'm feeding sixteen people and about nine of those are males. I have to cook a lot."

"I'm hungry!" Sarah shouted as came back into the kitchen, "Roman said to ask you for something to eat."

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