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Seth's POV

"Alright class." Mrs.Williams said as she clicked on things behind her computer screen, "Start getting your creative juices flowing. Today you will be thinking of your quotes for the year books. No cursing. Nothing inappropriate. I'll give you a few minutes to think of something before we present to the class. This doesn't have to be your final choice though."

Kevin raised his hand and most of the class already began to laugh.

Mrs.Williams sigh, "No, Kevin. Whatever is, just no."

Kevin threw his hands up, "You don't even know what I was gonna ask."

"Your quote cannot include you being naked Kevin." Mrs.Williams responded.

"Dang it..." I heard him mumbled and I cracked a small smile, "Well can Chris come help think of a damn quote?"

"I don't care Kevin, just get it done." Mrs.Williams told him tiredly and he pumped his fist.

"Come on Chris." Kevin said, "Help me."

"I see that JeriKO still lives." Charlotte commented.

Kevin scoffed, "Oh never ended."

I shook my head as reached into my back and took out a piece of notebook paper to jot down some ideas.

"Get me some too," I heard Paige say beside me and I nod before grabbing another sheet, "Thanks love."

"No problem." I say to her as I lay my head on the desk.

"What's the matter?" She asked me as she placed a hand on my back.

"I just had a long night babe, I'm alright." I say to her.

That wasn't much of a lie either.

Between dealing with Roman and Dean going missing for a few hours, onlyHe to have him come back looking half scared to death, I was a bit more than stressed out.

"You sure?" She asked while kissing my cheek.

"I'm positive." I tell her.

"Well," she said, "I got some news that may make you feel better. Well, it makes me feel better. Guess who I talked to last night?"

"Lil Yachty?" I asked and laughed when she hit me, "I'm kidding. Who?

"You're a terrible guesser." She told me while rolling her eyes, then she smiled, "I talked to Jasper."

"Really?" I asked as I set my head up, genuinely surprised.

"Well I did most of the talking but he talked back a little bit." She told me and her eyes practically were beaming with happiness.

"How's he doing?" I asked her. Last I had heard, he hadn't even woken up yet.

"He's doing good according to Casper." She told me, "It's literally a miracle he didn't kill himself. Rarely anyone actually lives from a shot to the head, but he's doing it. The doctors can't believe it either. They thought they were going to disconnect him life support the very first day. And now here we are more than a month later and he's doing so much better. I don't care how it was suppose to end. I don't care if it doesn't make sense. He's living and if it takes some unbelievable miracle to keep him here then I'll accept it."

Cheers to Senior Year • books 1-4 Where stories live. Discover now