Seconds Wasted

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Part one of two... ITS LONG! On to the story!

Naomi's POV

"You ok Naomi?" Jojo asks, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Uh, yeah Jojo, I'm good." I say to her, but honestly, it was a lie.

She laughed a little, "Well get excited! We're winning and the game is almost over!"

I give her a smile, but I had to force myself to give it. I was kinda upset right now. I mean Nikki wasn't here all day because she was with Dean, and that's totally fine. But she said she was coming to the game tonight and she didn't show up. I texted her all during halftime but she never answered.

"Didn't I tell you to stop worrying about her?" Alicia said to me quietly as we gained another ten yards on the field, "She's probably sleeping. Or doing something with Dean."

I roll my eyes but smile slightly, "Doing what?"

She shrugged, "Playing cards?"

I laugh, "Nice Alicia. Was that supposed to be a metaphor or something?"

She shrugged and laughed, "It could be. I mean I would love to play some cards with some of these boys on this field right now."

"Alicia!" I say and hit her arm while laughing.

"I can't help it!" She said to me, "Farienville has some N.I.C.E lookin boys here! Like you could get my number any time, baby."

I laugh, "And you know if any of them tried to talk to you, you'd decline them all. Plus your boyfriend wouldn't be happy about that."

She laughed, "Girl, what boyfriend? I'm singe and ready to eat some Pringles!"

"Then what about Wade?" I ask her with a laugh.

"Wade is my extra tall Prince Harry." Alicia said with a laugh, "I mean yeah, I think we might share some feelings, but in all honesty, I don't knew if we'd ever go out. I mean Wade and I aren't really each other's type."

I shrug, "I think you two would be cute together."

She smiles and jumped up and down, "Do you really?"

I raise a eyebrow at her and she stops.

"Uh," she said while scratching the back of her head, "I mean, That's nice of you to say."

I laugh at her, "Smooth Alicia."

She smiled, "Even if we did date, I'd have to get really into soccer. He calls it football. Tomato, Potato. Do you know good he is?"

I laugh, "They don't call him, the 'Soccer King' for nothing Alicia."

"You think he'd let me wear his jersey?" She asked me, "I could look so sexy for him. Just wear the jersey... No pants."

"Alicia calm down!" I laugh while hitting her on her arm again, "I don't need a description! Yesh! A couple seconds ago, you didn't even want to really go out with him."

"About that..." She said while trailing off and we both laugh.

"Enough about me," Alicia said as we made another touchdown and began to do the routine to the fight song that the band plays every time we make a touchdown, "What's going on between you and that sexy piece of ass know as Roman Reigns?"

I felt my face heat up slightly at the mention of him as we finish the dance.

"What do you mean?" I ask her.

"Oh don't play dumb." She said with a laugh, "I saw him kiss that pretty little cheek of yours right after you got off the bus today."

"I don't know what your talking about." I say, trying not to let my face heat up anymore.

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