Spongebob is life

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Warning: I don't know a lot about being in a court, so if you happen to know more than me and I just so happen to mess up (which I most likely will) please do not cuss me out. Thank you.

Naomi POV

Nikki pulls into the parking lot of the courthouse and park. As soon as she turn the car off my phone rings and I pick it up.

"Hello?" I say into the phone as I check my hair in the mirror.

"Hey," I hear Randy's voice say on the other end, "You guys at the courthouse, yet."

"Just made it here," I tell him as I step out of the car, "Are you guys here yet?"

"Yeah," he said to me, "We're inside, I got you a seat saved."

I smile, "Thanks Randy. We'll be there in a couple minutes."

"See you there." He says then hangs up.

"That Mr.Ortan?" Nikki asks me as I put my phone into my small purse.

"Yeah," I say, "He just wanted to know if we were here yet."

She nodded, "Alright, let's get in there. I know Dean's probably nervous."

I nod, "They all are."

We had all decided to skip school today to go and support the boys. Roman said that it would be easy to get the case dropped, but he's worried about getting to keep the house.

We walk to the door and go inside. There were several rooms and we weren't really sure which one it was going to be held in.

"Excuse me ma'am," Nikki said to the lady behind the desk, "Can you please tell me which room the case with Roman Reigns will be held in?"

She takes a look at her computer then looks back at us, "That will be held in courtroom number seventeen. Take a turn down this hall and it'll be the room at the very end of the hall."

"Thank you." She said then turns to me, "Come on. It's gonna start soon."

We take follow the instructions that the lady gave us. When we reach that hall we see Roman pacing back and forth in front of the door.

"Roman," Nikki said as we got closer to him, "Are you alright?"

He stops pacing and gives us a small smile, "Yeah, I'm fine."

"Everything's gonna be fine," Nikki said as she opened the door for us go in. She goes in but I stop at the door.

I turn around and look at Roman who had started pacing again.

"How are you really feeling?" I ask him as I step away from the door.

He stops again and looks at me then sighs, "Worried, I guess. They could literally take away the house. We'd have to move back in with our parents. I can't do that, and they can't either."

I shake my head and walk towards him, "You gotta believe that they won't do that. Some judges show some mercy to people."

"Let's just hope this judge is in a good mood," Roman said.

I nod, "I'll see you afterwards, Roman. And everything gonna be fine."

He nods and I walk back to the door. I open it and go inside. The courtroom was fairly small, but it looked like another courtroom that you would see on TV.

I see Randy wave and I walk over to him and sit down.

"Hey," he says smiling at me.

I smile back, "Hey."

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