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Cute is NOT a word to describe Roman Reigns... Would you describe David Beckham as cute?? No you wouldn't, you would say he's sexy.... Same girls for Roman...ON TO THE STORY!

Roman's POV

"Roman!" I hear my name being called, taking me out of my thoughts, then I felt a hit to the back of the head.

"Ouch!" I shout then turn to glare at person who hit me, my cousin, Tamina Snuka.

"Mina, that hurt." I say to my cousin while rubbing the back of my head.

"Well is wasn't suppose to feel to good," She said to me.

"You didn't have to hit me to get my attention." I say to her.

"Um, yes I do," She said to me, "Cause apparently saying your name a million times won't get your attention."

"Mina, you know he's deaf half the time," I hear Sasha say at the computer desk beside us.

I roll my eyes, "Oh be quite and work on your project, Sasha."

She shrugs and turn back to Becky and began to work on her project again.

"What's up with you lately?" Tamina asked me, "Jimmy say something to piss you off?"

I raise a eyebrow, "No, why would Jimmy piss me off?"

She shrugs, "He always find a way to piss me off, just thought he made you mad. But seriously, what's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing Mina," I tell her, "Let's just work on this project."

She groans, "Forget Macbeth! We have weeks to finish this report. There's something bothering you and I know it."

"Really," I lie to her, "It's nothing. So let's just work on this project."

She stays quite for a minute and studies me.

"What Naomi say to you?" She asked me and I look at her with wide eyes, I never told her anything about Naomi, like at all.

She smirks at me, "Jackpot. Now, tell me what's going on."

"How did you know it has something with her?" I ask her, still in some shock.

She laughs slightly, "She's always found a way to push your buttons. Weather she made you mad, or upset, or happy. Plus she's been acting strange lately too. Not spill it."

I groan, "There's nothing much to say."

She rolls her eyes, "That's not what I've been hearing. And you know I'm not much for rumors, but when it involves my family, I need to know the truth. So is what that little bitch, Brie said right or not? And if it's not, I will personally knock her out."

I groan and place my head in my hands, "Yes, it's true."

I felt her hit me in the back of the head again.

"Ouch!" I say and glare at her again, "Stop hitting me that hard!"

She crossed her arms, "You deserved that one. Look Roman I know you haven't really have a woman role model in your life, but you should know you just don't have sex with a girl, unless your serious about her."

I groan and place my head in my hands again, "I know that now..."

"I should beat the crap out of you for that," she said while hitting me on my arm, "Now what if I don't Jimmy and Jey about this?"

"No!" I say quickly. They would kill me, take me to a hospital, somehow I come back to life, then kill me again if they found out I was even having sex...

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