Get Your Shit Together

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Seth's POV

"Popcorn!" Dean shouted.

"Pizza!" I shouted back

"Pickles!" Dean shouted again

"Pepperonis!" I shouted back.

"Peppers!" Dean shouted at me again with a laugh.

"Peanuts!" I shout again.

"Penis!" Dean shouted while laughing.

"What?" Roman shouted from the kitchen.

"You can't eat Penis!" I shouted at him with a laugh.

"I bet to differ!" He shouted back at me and we both started laughing.

Roman came out of the kitchen and gave us both strange looks.

"Do I wanna know what's going on here," he asked, "Or should I just turn back around..."

"We're playing the name game." I said to  him.

"The name game edition where you name things that you can eat that begin with the letter 'P'." Dean said with a laugh.

"And so you decided to say penis?" Roman said with raising his eyebrow, "Dean... I worry about you... A lot sometimes... Like really a lot..."

"Hey!" Dean said while laughing again, "I like to play the extreme version!"

"You could have said peanut butter." Roman mumbled while walking back into the kitchen, "But no. You decided to bring body parts into the game."

"We piss him off so much sometimes," I say with a laugh.

"We really do." Dean said, "But I'm not worried about it. I'm not worried about it."

"You never are." I say to him with a small laugh while laying down on the couch, "I'm hungry."

"Me too." Dean said, "Hey, watch this."

Dean cleared his throat, "Hey Mom!"

I laugh as I heard Roman sigh loudly, but didn't respond to him.

"Moooooommm." Dean groaned.

"Mom, mom, mom, mom, mom-" Dean chanted, but Roman walked in the room and he stopped.

"What the fuck do you want?" Roman said while glaring at him, "And stop calling me mom."

"But mom," Dean said again, "We're hungry."

"Then get up and fucking go get some food Dean." Roman said with a glare to Dean then walked back into the kitchen.

"Mom is fistey today." Dean said with a laugh.

"Shut up Dean!" Roman shouted from the kitchen and we both laugh.

There was a knock on the door and I got up to answer it.

"Is it neighbors complaining that were too loud?" Dean asked as I unlocked the door, "If so, they can fuck off."

"Who can fuck off?" A familiar voice said just as I opened the door.

"Sarah?" I asked and she pushed past me with Benny sleeping in her arms. I looked back out the door to see if Megan had dropped them off, but a car wasn't even in sight. Plus, Megan normally brings them in the house herself instead of just leaving them at the door.

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