Dance On Your Grave

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Dean's POV

I slam the car door shut and angrily march up the steps of our house, then unlock the door, walk in the house and slam it behind me.

To say I was angry was a huge understatement. I was beyond mad, I was beyond furious, and the fact that my anger was being caused by someone that I trust with my life, it only made me more infuriated.

Seth pushed my limits, and he pushed them way too far for my likings this time. He can be mad at Nikki all he likes, but not only did he disrespect her, but he embarrassed her. And you will not do that to my girlfriend, I don't care how fucking mad you are.

If I didn't actually care about Seth and actually love him, I swear to God, I would have beat the living shit out of him and not gave it a second thought if he didn't open is eyes again.

But that's the god damn thing. I do care about him, and I fucking hate that I do. Cause right now, all I want to do is chock the hell out of him. There is no amount of apologies that could make up for what he had done at this moment.

"Dean!" I heard Hunter's voice say and it brung me out of my thoughts and back to reality.

"Leave me the hell alone!" I shout back to him as I walked into my room and slammed the door shut. I hadn't even realized that had followed me back to my house.

"Dean get out of your room!" I heard Randy shout.

"I'm not opening this damn door!" I shout at them.

I heard Punk groan, "I knew I should have went to help Roman."

"Open up Dean!" Hunter shouted back at me.

"You have no authority over me so I'm not doing shit!" I shout back at him.

"Dean if you don't open this door in three seconds," Randy shouted, "I will tear it down."

"Get to counting then!" I shout at him.

"1," he started, "2... 3."

I smirk and open the door which caused Randy to burst in and fall on the floor.

"I had a sudden change in mind." I say to him.

He growled but stood up and wiped off his clothes, "We need to talk."

"There's nothing to talk about." I say to him, "There is nothing on this planet to talk about Randy."

"Dean don't be like that." Hunter said to me, "You need to talk about what happened back there."

"I repeat once again," I say to him, "That there is nothing to talk about."

Punk sighed, "I didn't wanna have to call her in here, but since you don't want to talk... Hey Nik!"

I rose a eyebrow but my eyes soon landed on Nikki who slowly walks into my room.

"Nikki." I say while walking over to her and pulled her into a hug, "I'm so sorry."

"There's not anything to be sorry about." She said while hugging me back, "It's not that big of a deal."

"But Seth-" I started but she stopped me.

"No Dean." She said, "I'm ok. Everything is ok, Dean. But I don't need you getting so mad over something that was so little."

"But he threw water at you." I protested.

She sighed and turned to the others, "Can you boys give us a minute."

Hunter nodded, "Yeah Nikki, no problem."

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