One Special Rose

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Naomi's POV

Favorite movie of all time?

I think about it for a moment, then decide to scribble down the answers and passed him my journal back.

The Hunger Games (but the books are better)

He smiled before writing down another question and passing me my journal back.

Leads me to my next question. What's your favorite book?

I think again for a couple seconds, then not a answer down and pass it back.

Maze runner (but the movie sucked)

He scribbled another question down.

Favorite chip? And don't say Doritos, choose something else.

I kick him in the leg slightly and try to think of another answer. Doritos are really my favorite chip, but I did have others, I guess.

Cheeto puffs! And I love Doritos thank you very much!

Roman laughed and began to write down another question, but quickly stopped when his name got called.

"Mr.Reigns," Mr.Keeland said, getting both of our attention, "Can you answer the question on the board?"

All eyes were on him and he looked at the board.

"Today, Mr.Reigns," Mr.Keeland said a couple minutes after Roman didn't answer.

'This guy is too stuck up,' I think to myself.

"Um," Roman said while studying the board, "Let's see... My football number is 43... But my favorite number is 44, and there's a 20 percent chance that I'll actually get this answer right... Meaning a 80 percent chance of me getting this wrong... So I'm gonna take a wild guess and just say 97."

The entire class was just looking at him in silence.

Dean stood up and clapped slowly.

"That was probably the stupidest logic I have ever heard," Dean said, "But as stupid as it was, you actually got the question right. How you did it, I have no freaking idea... But you were stupid enough to get it right."

"I didn't get the question right," Roman said then looked at Mr.Keeland, "Right?"

Mr.Keeland sighed, "You got that answer correct. But you need to start paying attention instead of writing notes to Miss Fatu."

The class ooo'd and I felt my face heating up some.

"Awe," Sasha said, "Aren't you two adorable?"

"Quite Banks." Roman said, but I could see a tint of red in his cheeks.

"Roman and Naomi sitting in a tree," Dean started childishly and Nikki sang with him.

"F-U-C-K-I-N-G." Adam said, and I felt my face heat up even more as the class laughed.

"Adam," Mr.Keeland said, "That's a detention for foul language."

Adam groaned, "That's the fourth fucking one this week and it's Tuesday."

"That's another one," Mr.Keeland said.

"Will it ever fucking end?!" Adam shouted and I couldn't help but laugh. Adam doesn't care about getting detentions, I won't be surprised if he doesn't go.

"That's another one." Mr.Keeland said, sounding aggravated.

"If I get anymore," Adam said, "I'm going to have to cancel my fucking hair appointment!"

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