I look so out of place

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Last Chapter of the 2nd book.
Takes place before she figures out where Seth is.

Paige's POV

I moan and bury my head further into the pillow as Nikki went on about what she was going to wear to the New Year's Eve party they were hosting tonight.

I loved Nikki and Naomi with all my heart, but at the moment I really just wished they would leave me the hell alone. Not to be rude, but I didn't want any company.  I just wanted a chance to cry and they weren't giving me that chance.

And to make matters worse they were dragging me to this party and all I wanted to do is lay in bed, but I wasn't explain the reasons why to them, or to anyone else for that matter of fact.

I just wanted to be alone and they didn't understand. They couldn't understand. They will never understand because I will never let them know.

Some people would call that pushing people away. I call keeping myself sane, because them pitying me is a million times worse.

"Maybe we can go get our toes done when the nail salon opens," Naomi said, "That sound good to you Paigy?"

"Huh?" I said while removing my pillow from over my head, "Um, no, I'm fine. I don't feel like getting my toes done."

"Oh..." Nikki said, "Well maybe we can go shopping-"

"No." I say to her, "I just wanna stay in bed. You girls can go though, have fun."

"But we wanna spend some time with you." Naomi said.

"Yay..." I trailed off as I pulled the covers over my head.

"Paige come on." Nikki said, "You can't stay in bed all day."

"I certainly can." I mumble and turned my back to them, "You girls don't have to stay here. You can go home. I'm not going to that party, so have fun with out me."

"Paige we are not leaving you alone-" Naomi started but I cut her off.

"And why the hell not?" I say while sitting up.

"Woah." Nikki said, "Calm down."

"I am calm." I mumble and get out of my bed to go downstairs to get some water.

"Where are you going?" I heard Nikki ask as soon as I hit the bottom step.

"God I'm just getting water!" I shout probably louder than I should have as Naomi and Nikki entered into the kitchen.

"Are you alright?" Naomi asked me.

"I'm just dandy." I say while rolling my eyes and getting a glass.

"I don't need the sarcasm." Naomi said while crossing her arms.

"And I don't need you talking to me right now." I say to her, "But it looks like we can't always get what we want now can we?"

"I'm this close." I heard her mumble to Nikki and I turn around.

"This close to what Naomi?" I shout at her, "From losing your shit on me? Go right the fuck ahead! I'm waiting!"

"What is your problem?" She shouted back at me, "Why are you being so rude? You're acting like a bitch!"

"Yeah that's me alright!" I shout at her, "Me, just ole bitchy Paige! Got anything else to say Nams? Cause calling me a bitch clearly didn't faze me!"

"I'm not trying to faze you!" She shouted at me.

"Whatever bitch." I say while turning back around but not before seeing her facial expressions which let me knew that I just fucked up big time. But I didn't care, if it got them away from me, then it's fine. I can always apologize later.

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