I was threatening your life huh?

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Important A/N at the end!

Nikki's POV

'One, two, three, one, two, three, drink. One, two, three, one, two, three, drink. One, two, three, one, two, three, drink. Thrown back, till I can't count,' The words to Chandelier by Sia filled my ears again and I groan. I roll over and turn off my alarm one final time.

I had set my alarm for me to wake up at 12, but I was too tired to even think about waking up, so here I am about a hour and I half later still lying in bed.

I groan and sit up. Last night was a very close game and it shouldn't have been. We won, but only by a touchdown and if the clock would have went any slower, the other team would have scored, meaning we would have had to go into overtime.

This should have been a easy game. The Lanson Cougars are not a very good team, so it should have been easy to win... But our team seemed too distracted. Dean had told me that Roman wasn't going to play tonight because of a fight. I didn't think it was going to make that big of a difference of he played or not, but it did. Kofi is a great player, there's no doubt in that, but he's not as good as Roman. And Kofi also seem as though he was nervous about playing Roman's position, which is Wide Receiver, and it affected his playing.

On top of that, Randy was definitely not on his 'A game'. He never threw the ball correctly and later we found out it was because he could see very well with one eye swollen shut... I don't know exactly how hard Roman actually hit him, but it looked pretty bad.

As good as our team is together as a whole, Roman and Randy as two of the key players. And with one injured and the other not even at the game, it's not really a good thing.

I sigh as I walk into my bathroom and brush my teeth and fix my hair. I don't bother changing clothes, I might as well just have a lazy day. There's nowhere I needed to be anyways.

I walk down stairs and go to the kitchen. Whe I get there I see Brie there looking in the fridge and I'm very tempted to smash a plate over her head. I was furious at her, but I had calmed down a lot since yesterday. Yesterday I almost dropped her on purpose when i lifted her up at the game. No, I wouldn't have felt guilty if I would have dropped her either.

You don't just put people's business out there like that, especially my friends. Brie and Naomi had always hated each other.

You see, even back when we were little and didn't have all this money and crap, Brie was still spoiled. She didn't just share things. Whatever was her's, was her's and no one else's. And I was Brie's best friend, and no one else's. Well years passed as we grew apart. My first new friend was Naomi. Brie hated her and I'm guessing it was because she thought Naomi was taking me away from her, but Brie didn't realize that she was the one who left me, not the other way around. Brie didn't want to be my friend, but she also didn't want others to be my friend. She wanted me to look up to her and wanted to be just like her... Well that'll never happen, so she can just forget about it.

It was just going to be us in the house for a while. Mom and Dad were in New York for the next week and a half on business, I just hope I don't kill her.

I walk over to the the cereal cabinet and grab the box of Lucky Charms and then grab a bowl and pour the cereal into it.

I turn around and see Brie pouring the last of the milk into a cup for her to drink. She looks at me and smirks.

"Oh I'm sorry," she said to me, "Did you need some of this for your cereal?"

I glare at her but then sigh and walk out the kitchen with my bowl of cereal. At least it was Lucky Charms, I ate them dry a lot anyways.

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