Petty Arguments

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Paige's POV

@BankStatement: you cannot be mad at someone for not feeling bad for someone else.

@MissMella: oomf thinks it's just fine and dandy for someone to just kill themselves. They have no sympathy?Doesn't surprise me. The heartless come out in these sorta situations.

@BankStatement: @MissMella listen here brat. #1: There's an @ button. Learn to use it. And I never even said that. Second of all, she ain't dead. I'm not heartless for not feeling bad.

@MissMella: @BankStatement and thus your heartless

@BankStatement: @MissMella so me not feeling bad for a girl that made my life a living hell makes me heartless. Wow 🙄

@MissMella: @BankStatement have you no sympathy?? She tried to kill her self and you're basically saying that she deserved to die.

@BankStatement @MissMella those words never left my mouth! You're trying to reach too far, sit down.

@RusevB: Sasha and Carmella are arguing... AGAIN.

DolphinZig: Look guys. The situation with Brie is not our business to talk about. Period. Stop having petty arguments over business that has nothing to do with you.

@ReneeisYoung: @DolphinZig while I agree, I disagree. People are going to talk regardless, and it's not even about what she did anymore. It's about who's backing her and who's not.

@LovleyLana: @ReneeisYoung you don't understand Renee. People have no choice but to support her at this point, maybe that's what she planned. Maybe she just wanted attention.

@QueenChar: @LovleyLana Pretttttty sure she wasn't doing this for attention.

@MoaJoe: @LovleyLana that's a pretty far stretch for attention. Don't think it's for that reason.

@BlissfulLexi: @MoaJoe well it wouldn't be surprising if it was. I mean, what hasn't she tried to pull before?

@MoaJoe: @BlissfulLexi so you mean to tell me that you think this is all for attention. That's a bit out there don't you think?

@BlissfulLexi: @MoaJoe well, sorta. But think about it. She suddenly decided that she was going to try and kill herself? Seems pretty planned to me.

@XavierBehavior: @BlissfulLexi there's this thing called depression.

@BlissfulLexi: @XaiverBehavior rich and pretty people don't get depressed, X.

@XaiverBehavior: @BlissfulLexi .... what?

@Str8fire: somebody stop Alexa.

@Foxxyone: why is Alexa talking stupid rn?

@BankStatement: why is Lexi talking outta the side of her neck??

@EnZoA: welp... there's that.

@LoneWolf: I spy a lotta bullshit on my TL rn.

@MissMella: Lexi baby... y'all don't roast her too bad that's still my friend.

@ReneeisYoung: depressed people look a certain way? LMFAO. Guess I should dress in all black from now on huh?

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