Jealous Much?

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Roman's POV

"Attention all seniors," the voice of our schools secretary, Mrs. Adams, announced over speaker, "Please make your way to the auditorium. You will be returning to class 2nd period."

Dean groans behind me, "I just sat down. My feet hurt. Do you know how far Nikki's homeroom is from here?"

I laugh at him and stand up, "Oh stop complaining. You get to miss homeroom and a class period. Be grateful."

Dean groans and stands up, "The auditorium is so far away! Carry me, dude."

I raise an eyebrow, "Uh, no." Then start to walk out the door to the auditorium. Dean groans but follows me anyway.

"Oh come on Roman!" Dean says, "I will freakin pay you!"

I laugh and keep walking, "With what money?"

"From my paycheck, duh." Dean says and I stop walking and look back at him. He was smirking at me.

"You got a job?" I asked him.

"Yep," Dean said while nodding, "At Jenny's Diner. Dolph works there too, but you know, he's off for about another three weeks. I'm a freakin waiter dude! Can you believe it?"

I smile at him. He seemed generally excited about working. I think I was too when I first started, but then it became tiring especially after a full day of school and practice.

"When did you even find time to apply?" I ask him.

"Right after I left Dolph's house on Friday. I ran by there to pick up a application. I filled it out yesterday and Nikki gave me a ride to go give it to them. They called me early this morning and said they'd love for me to start as soon as possible. So I'll be a official Jenny's Diner employee starting Tomorrow." Dean said to me, "And I'm gonna be a freakin waiter dude! I cannot believe that!"

I laugh, "That's good, Dean. Glad to see you join the work force."

"Yeah I guess," Dean said, "Now about carrying me?"

I groan, "I guess, you can-" I stop talking as Dean jumped on my back almost causing me to fall.

"Onward!" He shouted hitting my shoulder.

"Good Grief Dean," I say while walking slowly, "You weigh too much for me to be carrying."

"Oh stop complaining, Mr. I-can-bench-almost- two hundred pounds." Dean says hitting my arm, "Now Onward!"

I groan, but walk all the way across the school to get to the auditorium with Dean on my back.

I open the door and see that most of the seats had already been filled and it was going to be hard for us to find a seat.

"Roman? Dean?" I hear Stephanie voice ask and I turn towards her. "What on earth are you doing two doing?"

"Well," Dean said to her, "I always wanted to see how it was to be tall... So I decided to ride on the Giants back."

I roll my eyes, "Dean you are just as tall as me."

"You guys are weird," Stephanie says, "But come on. We got seats for you guys. We're all sitting over here."

Stephanie leads us over to the area where the rest of our friends were sitting, the only one not here yet was Randy. They all look at us strangely.

"Um, Dean," Nikki said, "What are you doing?"

"Enjoying the view, babe." Dean said and I roll my eyes.

"Alright," I say trying to shake him off, "Get off me."

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