We are definitely dead

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Nikki's POV

You know those dreams you have when you're there and your surrounded with nothing but miles and miles of white? Well that was me right now... Except I wasn't alone.

Dean was here.

And as much as I love him, he was currently being a pain in the ass.

"Dean." I say with a sigh as he rambled on about there not being a way out of here, "baby can you please calm down?"

"Nikki," he replied back, "we could possibly be dead and you want me to stay calm?"

"I highly doubt were dead." I say to him with another sigh.

"Explain all this damn white then!" He shouted and his voice echoed in the nothingness.

"Curse at me again and I will kill you." I growled and his eyes widened.

"Ok ok I'm sorry." He said while walking over to me and wrapping his arms around me, "I'm sorry alright? I didn't mean to. Forgive me? Please?"

I let out a deep breath and nodded, "Yeah... But we still gotta talk."

"About what?" He asked.

"The reason why we're in this mess in the first place." I say to him.

"Oh..." He mumbled then looked around, "Well, there's nobody here y'know? We can just talk about it here. Just um, sit I guess."

I nodded and sit down and cross my legs and he does soon after I do.

"So..." He said while scratching the back of his head, "Ok I don't know what to say about it..."

"Yeah," I said to him while crossing my arms, "If I just found out that a child was mine, id be pretty speechless too."

"Hey," he said to me, "You gotta stop that."

"Stop what?" I asked him.

"That whole blame thing." He said to me, "You knew from the seconds we got back together that there was always this possibility that it could be mine. You knew that. So stop with the little comments and stuff cause you're making it sound like you regret being with me."

"I don't regret being with you." I say to him, "And yes, I did know that there was a possibility of you being the father... but y'know... I just didn't think it'd be yours."

"Me either." He said with a sigh, "But we were both wrong alright... You're still gonna stay with me...right?"

"Of course I'm gonna stay with you." I say to him with a sigh, "I tried walking out at the school because I just couldn't handle it right then. There was so many people and it was so sudden. If I would have reacted differently, maybe we wouldn't be in this-"

"No don't blame yourself." Dean interrupted, "It's nobody's fault understand? It was an accident."

I sighed and laid my head on his shoulder, "How come I don't feel pain here?"

He shrugged, "I don't know. I don't even know where we are, let alone why I can't feel anything."

"Maybe we are dead." I mumbled.

"If I'm dead," Dean said while taking my hand into his, "Then I died just the way I wanted to."

"In a car accident?" I ask him with a small laugh as he kissed my forehead.

"No BellaBear." He said with a small laugh before quickly kissing my hand, "With you. My biggest fear is leaving you, or you leaving me. And if your here with me right now, then I got my wish regardless."

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