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Paige's POV

"Holy freakin- fuck!" I heard a voice shout from across the class room before hearing the sound of a shattering pan.

"Let's cut down on the swearing Kev." Renee said as she clapped her hands and watch the flower fly off of it.

"I burned my finger!" Kevin said while inspecting his injured finger.

"You also dropped the cookies you, stupid idiot." Chris said with a sigh as he looked at the cookies.

"It's just a few cookies." I say to them, "We've made plenty already, it's ok to loose a few."

"I'll eat them then." Kevin said while bending down and picking one up.

"Kevin that's been on the floor-" Renee started to protest, but stopped once he had placed it in his mouth, "Humans these days."

"I think I've come to the conclusion that I'm better at eating than baking." Kevin said as Chris bent down and picked up a cookie himself, "Why are we doing this again?"

"Raising money for Benny's surgery." I say as I pick up one of the bags of icing and began to trace around one of the cupcakes.

Dean had this big idea of doing a bake sale, and after running the idea by Mr.Kelton, he agreed to do a little bit more than just that.

Friday afternoon, tomorrow, we would cancel all of our classes and basically turn this school into a fun house for the elementary kids and anyone else that wanted to attend. There'll be a bounce house, and people we're currently decorating the hallways, classrooms, etc. Everything except the gym because that was being used for the dance on Saturday.

Of course there will be a admission fee of 10 dollars, and yes that may be a little expensive for just going into a decorated high school... but it was for an excellent cause and hopefully these kids didn't know the real value of money yet...

So that's why I'm at school, 4 hours after it's already ended, slaving my ass over a hot oven... I swear I should have been assigned to art duty.

"Look at this beauty right here!" Kevin said as Sasha entered the home eco room with a cake in her hands.

"Stop it, stop it, I'm blushing, your too much." Sasha responded with a laugh.

"I was talking about the cake." Kevin said while walking over and Sasha glared at him.

"Thanks so much Kevin." Sasha said while rolling her eyes.

"If I so much as call you beautiful," Kevin protested while throwing his hands in the air, "Finn will punch me in the face."

"Seems about right." Sasha replied with a laugh, "Look what Becky did. This looks great."

"It does." I say while inspecting the artwork of the icing, "How are you guys doing in the west wing."

She sighed, "It'd be easier if we could use the original home eco room, but we're making ends meet so everything's alright. The posters outside look amazing, have you seen?"

"Seth texts me pictures so I have a pretty good idea." I say to her while leaning on the counter, "I hope this raises enough for Benny."

"I know right." She replied to me, "But it's worth it. Oh and my mom agreed to donate a couple hundred bucks."

"Much appreciated." I say with a laugh, "Donations are helpful. Nikki's donating a boatload. I think a little over a thousand. And would do more if Dean didn't make her stop."

"In that case." Renee said while reaching into her pocket and handed me two three bills, "Take it. That's my gas money so use it wisely."

"Nae take some of this back." I say as I counted it to be 50 bucks.

Cheers to Senior Year • books 1-4 Where stories live. Discover now