Worst Decision Of My Life

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First Chapter in Book Two.

Paige's POV

"Nikki," I say into the phone, "This is the twentieth time I've called, please pick up. Love you."

As soon as I hung up, a message from Naomi popped up.

Naomi: have you got a hold of her yet.

I sigh and respond.

Paige: No. I've called her a lot too. Maybe her phones turned off.

Namoi: it'd go strait to voice mail if was turned off, it rings for a while. I'm gonna call her again.

I groan and lay back on my bed. To say I was a little stressed would be a lie, I'm more than a little.

'What on earth is wrong with Nicole Bella?' I think to myself.

Last night was good... Until she suddenly left. I know this had something to do with Dean, but I had no idea what he did. She hasn't answered any calls, any text, and I was kinda worried.

It wasn't like Nikki to block people out. She was a pretty open person, especially especially to us.

I hear my phone beginning to ring and I immediately pick it up.

"Nikki?" I say.

I hear a small laugh that wasn't Nikki's, but it belonged to Seth Rollins, "Sorry Paige. You can't get a hold of Nikki?"

"No," I say with a sigh, "How's Dean?"

Dean had been real out of it after Nikki left and just kinda hung out with the rest of us, eventually I drove him home along with Seth, Roman and Naomi. We tried asking him what's wrong, but he wouldn't answer us. He just seemed.... Sad and worried.

Seth sighed, "I honestly don't know. He's been in our room all morning. Paige... He's a mess."

"What do you mean?" I ask him.

"All he does is mumble Nikki's name then bury's his face in his pillow." Seth said with a sigh, "He hasn't moved, he hasn't ate, he hasn't done anything."

"Do you think they broke up?" I ask him, that could be the only possibility I could think of for the both of them acting like they are.

"I don't know," Seth said, "I'm gonna try talking to him again. Call me if you get a hold of Nikki."

"I will," I said to him, "Good luck with Dean. Love you."

"Love you too." He said back, then hung up.

'There is definitely something going on...' I think to myself. It's so strange for those two to act like this. I consider them to be the most head strong and confident out of all of us, and for them to be acting so shy and distant... I didn't like it at all.

I sigh and pick up my phone and dial Naomi's number.

"Nikki?" I heard her answer after only the first ring.

"Sadly no," I say with a sigh, "She hasn't answered yet."

Naomi sighed, "Not once."

"You're at your house right?" I ask her.

"Yeah," Naomi said, "Why?"

I stand up and grab my keys, "I'm coming to pick you up. We're going over there."

"You think she's gonna be ok with that?" Naomi asked.

"At this point," I say to her, "It doesn't matter what she's ok with. We're her best friends. If she doesn't answer, then we go to her."

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