Possessed Children's Toys

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Seth's POV

"What are you doing." Dean asked as he hobbled himself outside with me and Roman. Roman was currently standing in the yard front of the yard, running the water hose over several balls that came from the gym.

"Coach told me to wash these for the elementary field day." Roman said to him as he continued to wave the water around.

"You're wasting water." He said while slowly sitting down next to me in the bench we had on the porch, "You could have just ran a wet towel over them."

"They would have took twice as long." Roman said while rolling his eyes.

"And now your waisting twice as much water." Dean responded to him.

"Don't tell me how to wash my balls ok?" Roman said to him and Dean immediately smirked.

"How to wash your balls?" Dean asked and Roman glared at him.

"You make me feel so uncomfortable sometimes." Roman said to him as he continued to waved the water over the objects.

"I'm not the one who just just said 'don't tell me how to wash my balls'." Dean said and tried to stiff a laugh.

"You know what balls I was referring to." Roman groaned.

"Can we please stop saying balls." I groaned.

"From the windooow to the wall!" Dean shouted, "Till the sweat drip down my b- Roman stop it!"

I flinched as Roman walk onto the porch with the water hose and sprayed Dean, getting water on me in the process.

"You're an ass!" Dean shouted at him but wore a smile on his face, "I'm an injured individual and you decide to drown me? Or maybe freeze me to death cause it's fucking 30 degrees out here! This is not going to look good on your record."

"There's only so many times you can play that 'I'm injured' card before I stop caring and just assault you as I please." Roman said with a shrug, "It's not my fault you pissed me off. Now you can freeze to death."

"You mean that?" Dean asked and as a response, Roman waved the hose back in our directed. He somehow managed to miss Dean completely, but completely soaked me.

Roman's jaw dropped while Dean held his side when he laughed.

"Dude I'm sorry." Roman said, but even with shocked expression I could tell he was trying to hold back laughter.

"I. Hate. You. Both." I growled slightly, suddenly feeling extremely cold.

"Take it back." Roman said with a laugh before waving the hose again, spraying both me and Dean.

"Spray me again and Seth's gonna kick your ass." Dean said while still laughing.

Roman laughed and waved the hose again, but instead of my just sitting there, I immediately jump from the porch and chase Roman who had already stated to run off to the back yard.

I was a good ways behind him the entire, until we came back to the font of the house where he had fell in a puddle of water that was created by the unattended water hose.

Dean laughed hysterically from the porch, "It hurts! Oh my god, but it's worth it! I told you not to waist the freaking water! Oh this is priceless! Say hello to Snapchat!"

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