A War You'll Lose

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Nikki's POV

"Your going to the game tonight, right?" I ask Dean over the phone as I continue getting dressed for school.

"Well duh babe," Dean said to me, "I gotta go see you looking sexy in that uniform of yours."

I laugh, "Why don't you actually watch the game?"

"What's the point of watching the game, when Roman is just going to relive every second of it when we get home," Dean said to me.

"Sounds interesting," I say laughing.

"It actually is," Dean says chuckling, "He likes to add sound affects that aren't really there in the real game. You should come over and watch him sometime, it's funny."

I laugh, "One day, maybe. Hey I gotta finish getting dressed, I'll talk to you at school."

"Your getting dressed?" Dean asked amused, "You like stripping to the sound of my voice?"

I roll my eyes but smile, "Sure we can go with that, Dean. See you at school, love you."

"Love you too, see you there," He says then hangs up.

I finish getting dressed and walk down stairs to the kitchen.

"Good morning," I say to my parents as attempt to start a conversation.

"Denis, dear. Did you hear that the Johnson's we moving?" My mom asked my dad, completely ignoring me as usual.

I see Brie enter the kitchen fully dressed just like I was.

"Good morning," Brie attempts to say to them, but they ignore her just like they had me.

That's one thing I didn't have to worry about with Brie. I didn't have to complete for my parents attention with her because they could care less about both of us. They only care about publicity and money and other peoples business. So unless we end up in the morning paper dead or missing, they don't care.

Brie sighs as she walks over to the fridge, "They're ridiculous."

I couldn't disagree with her. Our parents hadn't always been like this. Brie and I hadn't always been like this.

We use to live in a small house. Mom use to be a regular relator agent, and Dad use to be a upcoming Lawyer, Brie use to be my only friend, and I use to me hers. We didn't have all this money, we just had enough to live a comfortable life. We were happy... And for the first eleven years of my life, we were....

Then dad won this huge case, and became known as 'Americans best Lawyer', and my mom sold a lot of big houses within one week... We got so much money. We moved up on the scale. I gained so many fake friends who just wanted me for my parents money.

My parents drifted farther and farther away every day. They gave us what we wanted instead of what we needed, and we needed them. Brie and I drifted so far apart from each other. She wanted the money, and the attention, and I didn't. She acted like she didn't need our parents, but I know it bothers her sometimes, just like it did me.

"Nicole," I heard my mother say, "I heard a little rumor that you have a boyfriend."

I have to resist the urge to roll my eyes.

'Of course she heard it in a rumor,' I think to myself, 'doesn't she always?'

"Yeah mom," I say while grabbing a glass to poor some orange juice in.

"A boyfriend?" My Dad asked, "Well why didn't you tell us about this?"

"Cause you wouldn't have listened anyway." I heard Brie mumble and I smirk slightly. There were rare times where we were on the same side.

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