Your Daughter, My Girlfriend

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Dean's POV

"We're on our way," Jimmy said to me over the phone, "We'll be there in about two hours."

"I'll see you then," I say to him then hang up.

"What they say?" Nikki asked me as all of us exited the skating rink and headed to our cars.

"There on there way," I tell her, "As for us, I think we need to head to the station."

She nods, "We're all thinking the same then. I'll see you there. We're gonna get this figured out."

I wave to her as I jog over to my car where Seth was already sitting in the passenger seat.

I put the keys into the ignition and start the car, I was about to pull the car out of park but Seth stops me.

"Dean," he asks, "Do you need me to drive?"

"Why?" I ask him.

"Cause you're shaking like crazy, man." Seth told me, "I know you have a lot on your mind right now. I just think it be safer if I drove right now."

I look at my hand and see that it really was shaking.

'He has a good point,' I think to myself.

"Alright," I tell him as I open the door and go to the passenger side as he goes to the drivers side.

"What do you thinks going on?" He asks me as he pulls out of the parking lot and onto the road.

I sigh, "I have no idea. All I know is that this isn't right."

"You're telling me," Seth said.

We stay quite for a little while.

"So," I said breaking the silence and trying to get mind off of what just happened, "How did things go with Paige?"

"Um," Seth said, "We could be a lot worse. I explained to her, and it was
just sorta awkward. We're kinda getting back to normal but it's gonna take a lot of time... I don't know if there's ever going to be a chance between us... Like ever, but I just want to at least get back to normal at this point."

I nod, "You never know though."

Seth nods, "Yeah, but I messed up bad. It's nobody's fault but mine."

We stay quite for the rest of the ride to the police station. I honestly couldn't believe this was actually happening right now. Roman. Roman Reigns. The guy I had known since elementary school. The guy who alway tried to help others before himself. The guy who never done anything but good... Got arrested... I couldn't help but think, did I have anything to do with this? Did I accidentally fuck up and they thought it was Roman instead of me?

We pull into the parking lot of the police station and I sigh.

'We shouldn't be here,' I think to myself, 'he shouldn't be in there. We should be back at the Skating Rink. We should be having a good night... But we're here...'

"Alright," I say as we get out the car and walk to the front door of the station, "Let's figure out this mess."

"Dean," I hear Nikki say and I turn around and see the rest of them getting out their cars.

"We go in together," Paige said to us as they walk closer.

"We're gonna come out together," Punk said. "All of us. Including Roman."

"We're in this together," Hunter said, "We got your backs. He'll be out soon. I promise that."

"I'm not sure what's going on," Naomi said, "But they upset the wrong group of teenagers."

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