Passed A Kidney Stone

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Naomi's POV

"You want to explain what's going on?" Nikki asked Paige as we got in the car, "What is Dean talking about a folder for?"

"Nikki babe," Paige said with a laugh but I could tell it was forced, "If I knew exactly what was going on, I would have told you by now."

"You apparently do know something about a folder." I say to her from ten back seat as as backed out the parking lot and drove down the road.

"Yeah I may know something about that..." She mumbled.

"Well spill it." Nikki said.

"Ok ok ok..." Paige said, "So it was like last week this time..."

I listened carefully to everything Paige had to say and honestly nothing was making any sense to me, but she seemed as confused as us.

"How did Dean he a folder with your Dads name in it?" Nikki asked in confusion, "I don't get it."

"They were in Norwich." I say to her, "Maybe Dean got the folder on accident or something."

"It damn sure wasn't any bloody accident that he got the folder." Paige said while shaking her head, "I just don't understand why he has it in the first place though."

I nod as my phone buzzed and I grab it immediately, thing it was Roman or one of the boys, but I was clearly mistaken.

Secret Santa: you left in a rush. Everything alright.

'What the fuck.' I thought to myself as I felt my stomach drop. Whoever this was had been at the park with us, Or had followed us while looking for Dean.

I sigh and shakily type a message back.

Naomi: can you please leave me alone. I'm busy right now.

Secret Santa. Not at this very moment. At this very moment your sitting crosslegged in the back of your friends car.

Naomi: omfg stop

Secret Santa: 😂 stop what?

Naomi: being so fucking creepy. Like fücking stop. Like in fact, I would appreciate it if you didn't fucking text my phone again.

I groan slightly as I turned my phone off and threw it into the seat.

"You ok back there?" Nikki asked me as she looked at me in the rearview mirror.

"Yeah." I lie, "I'm fine. It's just been a long night."

"Gonna get longer." Nikki said with a sigh.

"Ok," Paige said, "Maybe it's just me. But Eva's acting weird to me."

"What do you mean?" I ask her.

"I can't explain it." She said whirl shaking her head, "But it's weird. Like her sudden concern... I can't explain how it's weird, but it's weird to me."

"The only weird thing to me was that bird landing on her shoulder." I say with a slight laugh.

"Yeah..." She mumbled as she pulled into her driveway, "Let's go get this thing."

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