You Look Nothing Like Brothers

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Part 1

Dean's POV

I sigh as I shifted slightly in the airplane seat and tried not to disturb Seth who had his head rested on my shoulder.

I turn to Roman who was looking out at the night sky through the window and sighed.

The past couple of hours have not only left me confused, but have also left me more confused than I ever had been before. All I know is that Seth found something a threat and he wanted Roman and I next to him to face whatever were flying to this country for.

"You ok?" Roman asked me, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"I'm fine," I say then look and Seth and sigh and Roman just nodded his head.

"I'm just confused," I say to him, "I don't know what's going on and neither does he. I'm just worried about him Roman."

Roman nodded again, "I am too. We go from goofing off in two kitchen to flying on a plane in a matter of hours. And it makes it no better that Paige doesn't know that we're going back here."

"I know right." I say to him. Seth made us swear up and down not to tell anyone except except Nikki and Naomi and that was only to keep Paige occupied while we were gone, "She should at least know where we're at."

"The way Seth explained it," Roman said, "She doesn't want any of us going here. Maybe it's best if she doesn't know... I can't believe she didn't tell us about any of this."

"Can you blame her?" I ask him, "That probably isn't just something she's willing to talk about or even bring up."

He sighed but nodded, "I could understand that. But we're her best friends. Well tell each other everything."

"I'm sure there's things we haven't told each other, Ro." I said to him with a sigh.

"Right..." Roman said while giving me a slight nod.

I yawned and slightly adjusted myself once again.

"You can lay your head on me and go to sleep if you like Dean." He said to to me.

"What about you?" I say to him as I glance at Seth who was still sleeping on my own shoulder.

"I can live without sleep." He did with a small laugh, "Just get some rest Dean."

I sigh, then look at Seth and place a small kiss on my brothers head.

"We're gonna get through this." I say to him though I doubt he heard me, "We always do."

I laid my head on Romans shoulder, and slowly found myself drifting off to sleep.


I ran as fast as I could down the road and into the dark abandoned, broken down house.

I quickly open the door and shut it behind me.

'You've done it now Dean, for like the millionth time in a row.' I thought to myself as I places a chair I front of the door and tried to calm breathing.

I'm currently running from somebody. Who? I'm not sure. Or why really. But it's somebody.

I turn around and enter what seems time to be my own room.

Everything looks normal here. Same old beds same old posters on the wall. Same old desk in the corner.

I walk over to the desk and pick up one of the old toys that Seth like to collect, then notice a pen and paper. The paper starting with 'Dear Nikki' it went on about some nonsense that I probably did. I noticed that I started to write 'I love-' but never finished.

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