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Paige POV

"Paige!" I hear my mother shout, "You need to wake up! You need to get ready for school!"

I groan and roll over to look at the clock.

6:48 am

'Just a couple more months,' I think to myself, 'a couple more months and you'll never have to wake up and go to hell again.'

I groan and sit up. The one thing I wasn't going to miss about school is waking up at the crack of dawn... I'm not going to miss school anyways, but this is one of the main reasons why I hate it.

'It least you don't have to ride the bus anymore,' I think to myself with a shutter. I really hated that thing.

I grab my phone off my nightstand and text Randy, Roman, and Naomi individually

Paige: Randy get up. I know your still sleeping. So get up. Your not missing school today. So get up. Your not faking sick. So get up. Get uppppp.

Paige: wake up Nams. Rise and shine. Something about a bird and a worm. Get up!

Paige: alright Superman. Wake up. Your probably still sleeping and you need to wake the furk up!

I turn my phone off, then get out my bed and walk to my closet.

Saturday was basically a disaster at first. Once the boys left it got better over here, but Seth texted me and said that Randy and Roman go into another argument at their house. He said Randy ended up leaving and Hunter and Punk went with him to help. The slumber party was supposed to help them work out there problems...

'Yeah, and how did that turn out?' I think to myself.

I sigh aloud. I spent my entire day yesterday, texting Roman, Randy, and Naomi, trying to comfort them all, but it's harder than it looks.

Naomi is just confused. We all know that she had a crush on Randy, for a long time. But now she's questioning herself.

Randy is just upset. He's mad at Roman and that's just about it. He thinks that Roman's just being full of himself. I know that he doesn't mean that though. He's kinda in the mood for anything though, he told me he didn't want to go to school, but he was if I had anything to say about it

Roman is... Well I'm not sure. I text him and he only responds with one word texts, like 'ok' or 'whatever' or 'I know'. Seth said he only came out of his room to eat and to use the bathroom.

I look through my racks of clothes and pick out a black long sleeve shirt and jeans. Simple, but comfortable.

I emerge from the closet seconds later and walk back over to my nightstand to check my messages.

Randy: fine, fine, I'm up.

Roman: I'm already awake so you waisted your own time lol

Naomi: good morning to you too.☀️

I smile and turn my phone back off and walk into the bathroom to fix my hair and brush my teeth.

I walk out the bathroom and back into my room to grab the necessary items for hell- I mean school. If it was up to me, the only school supplies you would need are your phone, earbuds/headphones, and a pillow.

I walk out my bedroom and go down to the living room where my mother was sitting and watching TV, she didn't work last night so she was able to sleep almost all day yesterday.

"Morning dear," She said to me as I set my stuff on the couch.

"Morning mum," I say back to her.

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