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Please read the A/N at the end of the story, Thank you my little WWE superstars and Divas.

Nikki's POV

"Brie!" I shout from the living room, "Give me my phone!"

"I don't have your phone!" Brie said and her voice raised slightly and I knew she was lying.

I groan and march into the kitchen. I knew that I had left my phone in the living room last night, and now it wasn't there. There are only two people in this house right now... So I'm just taking a long shot and saying she has it. But I'm not extremely worried because she'd never get past the password. But it was just the date Dean and I got together.

I walk into the kitchen and see her sitting at the table, eating a bowl of cereal.

I cross my arms, "Give me my phone back."

She raised her hands, "I really don't have it."

"Then stand up," I tell her, not convinced that she didn't have my phone.

She stood up and turned around in a circle, "See? I told you I don't have it. You can come pat me down if you'd like."

I groan. If she didn't have my phone, then she hid it somewhere. And I didn't have all morning to look for it, school started in 30 minutes and it took me about 15 to get there.

'Just grab something to eat,' I think to myself, 'Then look for it.'

I sigh loudly and grab a bowl from the cabinet, the grab my normal cereal and pour it into the bowl. I heard something click against the bowl. I move the cereal around in the bowl and discover it was my phone.

"Brianna!" I shout at her.

"What?" She asks me innocently.

I glare at her. I was really getting fed up with her bullshit. Most people think she's a bitch and yeah, I agree, but they don't live with her.

I groan and check my phone to see if it was ok. I turn it on and see that there was a little timer that was counting down, meaning she had locked me out because she had tried the password too many times. It had 2 minutes left on it and I guess that wasn't bad, but I did have one missed text from Roman and I really wanted to see what it was about.

'Most likely about Dean...' I think to myself with a sigh.

I wouldn't say that Dean and I were having problems... We were just disagreeing... Why do I sound like a parent trying to tell their kid there're getting a divorce...

I sigh once again and pour the cereal back into the box, I wasn't very hungry anymore. But I probably should eat, I mean I had a long day ahead of me. Today was an away game and we were traveling to Fairenville, which is about forty five minutes drive by the bus. And on top of that I couldn't see Dean all day cause he's suspended... But it was for a good reason, I suppose. I hate it when people talk about Seth. Kane deserved it.

I look down at my phone and see that it was finally able to unlock. I slide my finger and type in the password, the first thing I see is my screensaver, which is selfie of Dean and I. I smile and go to my messages to read the message from Roman.

Roman: kinda about to ask you a big favor. But can you hang out at our place today? I don't really want to leave Dean alone by himself today.

I honestly couldn't be happier to see the text.

Nikki: yeah! Course! I'd be just happy to. I still have to go to school later cause I'd have to get on the bus and head to the game, but until then I can hang out with my baby. Do you know how happy I am to see this text? ☺️

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