Sweet, sweet sanity

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sowey, sorta hooked on this glow✌🏽

Naomi's POV

"I'm soooooo hungry." Paige whined as Nikki and I sat on the couch of her house.

"Then go eat something." Nikki said to her.

"I'm sooooo lazy." She whined again.

"That sounds like a personal problem." I say to her with a small laugh,

She groaned, "Can somebody go get me something?"

"Paige," Nikki said with a small laugh, "Your kitchen is legit five feet away."

Paige looked towards the kitchen and attempted to reach it with her hand, then whined, "Too farrr. Naomi go get me something."

"Did God give you two legs and two feet?" I asked her.

"They don't work properly." She said to me.

"That sounds like a personal problem." I say to her again and she groaned loudly,

There was a knock at the door and I looked at Paige who whined about how far the door was.

"You're so lazy." I say to her while standing up and walking over to her front door.

"Who is it?!" I shouted.

"Girl open the door!" I heard Xaiver's voice shout.

"I most definitely will not!" I shout with a laugh.

"Who's at my house?!" Paige shouted from the living room.

"Paige!" Kofi shouted, "Tell Naomi to open the door!"

"Open the door and see what they want." Paige said with a laugh and I groaned before unlocking the door.

Xaiver held up a flyer, "Would you like to run for prom queen-"

"Nope." I interrupted before slamming the door in their faces.

"Oh come on!" Big E shouted, "What about Nikki?"

"What about me?" Nikki asked.

"Prom Queen stuff." I say to her.

"Ooooo, let them in!" Nikki said excitedly and I groaned before opening the door again.

"You are so rude." Xaiver said while giving me a playful scowl when he walked by.

"I try sometimes." I say and close the door behind them, "Why are you three passing out flyers."

"Cause Kofi still has a few community service hours left," Xaiver said, "And this is using them up. Now take a damn flyer."

"Gimme one." Nikki said and Big E passed her a piece of paper, "Oh this is going to be fun!"

"Ew." Paige said, "Prom. No thanks."

"You're going to prom, Paige." I said to her, "Cause I'm going. So you don't have a choice."

"I'm tired of wearing dresses, damn it." She groaned, "Like, I'm wearing pyjama at graduation, fuck dressing up."

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