funny how love works

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November 22:

Roman's POV

I picked up head up from the steering wheel and leaned it against the headset of my truck while looking up at the bright night sky above.

I had decided to drive to a hill not to far outside the Sheridan City limits instead of going home.

No, not Suicide Hill, but Treasure Path Hill.

Unlike Suicide hill that had a steep cut off with sharp and deadly rock lie below with in the shallow stream of the Sheridan River, Treasure Path was different, pretty I guess.

It was a high hill and from here, it looks as though you could touch the sky. It had a smooth decent to the bottom and a few feet from it lies the bank of the Sheridan lake, which the moon was currently shining on.

I knew coming here would be better than going home. I didn't feel like being pestered by Dean and Seth. I had even turned my phone off after receiving a text from Naomi. I didn't feel like talking to her either.

And I damn sure didn't feel like speaking to Orton.

Here I am, looking dumb as fuck because I decided to believe that Randy was actually over her.

But of course fucking not.

I hadn't listened to Naomi's side of the story, and I'm not sure I want to, but I could come to the conclusion that she didn't act first... and if she did... the god damn it, I can't get anything right now can I?

I know Randy and he's sneaky. For me to automatically think that he was over her was stupid on my half. Even if he was dating Eva, that shouldn't have convinced me as much as it did.

I've been a good friend to him for a long time, and this is how he repays me?

And then there's Naomi who I know is off, probably crying somewhere, and as much as that breaks my heart, I wasn't about to call her or comfort her about this.

My emotions were too scattered right now and I don't want to say anything to her that I'll regret in the future, so it was best for me to just keep to myself and calm down.

Was I mad at her? Not her, but maybe the actions she was involved in.

Did I still love her? Of course.

Did I want to break up? That's practically like committing suicide in my mind. I was not about to let her go that easily... but I just felt like I needed to be reassured.

I gave a short sigh before opened the door and climbing down from the truck, pulling my jacket closer to me as I watched the white puff of smoke come from my noes.

'I'm gonna catch pneumonia out here.' I though to myself with a small sigh.

Not to far from where I had parked was a small park bench that allowed you to look out to the lake below.

"Excuse me young man." I heard a voice say and my eyes immediately snapped open, "Are you lost? It's mighty late to be out here. And cold too."

I turned to see a woman, older than I was, but looked no older than 30, standing not too far from me.

She had blond hair and had her hands shoved deeply into her pockets, which across the front of it read, 'Police' in large white letters.

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