Teachers be tripping 24/7

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Idk what Seth is doing, but WORK DAT POLE BOY😂 I'm just playing, On To The Story.

Seth's POV

You ever have one of those days where you wake up in a bad mood for no apparent reason? Then on top of that, you have to go to this hell known as school and interact with people you really don't care for? And on top of that, it feels like everyone in the school is in a pissed off mood, not just the teachers, but the entire student body as a whole?

Yeah, that kinda summed up my life at the moment and it's just first period.

"Mr.Rollins." Ms.Stems said, "Are you paying attention."

"Yes ma'am." I say to her while picking my head up off the desk. Just because I had my head down doesn't mean I'm not paying attention.

"You need to pay attention, if you fail this next test, it'll be on you." She said to me, completely ignoring that I was said I was paying attention.

'Lady,' I think to myself, 'Don't talk to me right now, cause I'm pretty sure I can do your job three times better than you could.'

"But he said he was listening." Dean said from the desk next to me.

"I didn't ask you to intervene, Mr.Ambrose." She said to him.

"But what you said was incorrect." Dean said to her.

Ms.Stems rolled her eyes and turned back to the board, "Then you would remove the two and replace it with this four."

"So you just gonna ignore me?" Dean asked as she continued to teach.

"Mr.Stems." Dean said and I could tell head trying to annoy her, "Ms.Stems. Ms.Stems. Ms.Stems. Ms.Stems, I'm going to keep calling your name till you answer me."

Ms.Stems continues to teach and Dean rolled his eyes.

"Aye," Big E whispers, "This is how you get her attention."

I laid my head back down on my desk, cause I have a feeling whatever he was gonna do, I was gonna end up laughing and I didn't want her seeing me do that, cause then I'd get in trouble.

"Aye to Bitch!" I heard him shout and I immediately put a hand over my mouth, "Dean wanna talk to you bruh."

"Mr.Langston!" Ms.Stems shouted, "Go to the office now."

"Y'all think I care about this class?" He asked as he grabbed his back walked out the door, "Y'all thought wrong."

The entire class was trying not to laugh but we were all unsuccessful. Dean was holding his breath. This was probably gonna be the highlight of my entire day.

"All of you get quite!" She shouted at us.

"Chill," Dean said to her, "We trying to have some fun here. We don't wanna learn this crap. Hell, I know you don't wanna teach this crap."

"Watch you language." She said while scowling at him.

"He didn't curse." I say to her.

"I didn't ask you to speak Mr.Rollins." She said to me.

"I don't need permission to speak." I say back to her. My fuse was already short today, I don't need her adding in her two cents.

"I will not be disrespected in my class room," she said while scowling at me.

"Shall we go to the hallway then?" Dean asked her then turned to me and whispered loudly, "This lady don't know who she's messing with."

"I'm about to send both of you to the office." She said to us.

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