Lowkey calling me fat

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Naomi's POV

I groan as I finally sit up in my bed. I had been up for about two hours now, but I refused to leave my spot on my bed. My bed was too comfortable to just get up and leave it.

I looked at the clock and it read 9:34Am. Roman was coming to pick me up later so we could go to his house before dinner tonight. His cousins were probably in town already.

I get out of bed and walk into the kitchen. I was in the house alone because Dad had already left for work with his friend.

I open the fridge and just like most days, there was nothing to eat,.. I mean food was in there, but I'd have to actually cook it to make it into a meal and I didn't feel like cooking.

I open out of the cabinets and pull down a box of honey buns and take one out.

'Where did you hear that if you are sweet things in the morning then you lost weight quicker?' I think to myself as I took a bite out of the honey bun. I'm pretty sure by sweet things they meant strawberries and other fruits... Oh well, I don't normally eat anything in the mornings.

I walk to the living room and lay down on the couch, then turn on the TV and the local News was on. They were talking about the fire that had happened down at the orphanage. Apparently, it was arson and the police department would investigate further.

'It's not like their going to find anything...' I think to myself, 'sorry ass police officers.'

I flip through the channels until I stop on the PWA network. Benny constantly talked about it.

I watched as one guy jumped off the top ropes and almost completely missed the other guy, who was just lying there.

'No wonder Sarah said they suck.' I think to myself as the one who got jump looked more injured than the one that had been lying there. The ref wasn't even paying attention.

"Get up." I mumble while looking at the one that had jumped. He was hanging onto the ropes and was trying to get up while the other one continued to lay there.

'Is he dead or something?' I think to myself, 'That's should have been plenty of time to recover and your just laying there...'

I watched as the guy climbed to the top rope again, which was stupid because he could have just pinned the other guy already.

I watched as he jumped off and completely missed the other guy again.

'This is pathetic' I think to myself, and the crowd seemed to think so as well, 'I know Stephs Dad works there... But I'm pretty sure if he was in charge them maybe it would be more interesting...' Honestly anything would make this more interesting than what it was now.

I continued to watch as the guy got on the top rope again and repeated his action.

I groan and roll my eyes, then change the channel. I don't know anything about wrestling but I'm pretty sure I could do better than that.

I stop the station on Nickelodeon and watch a episode SpongeBob. It was the episode when they delivered the pizza.

"It's not just any bolder." SpongeBob said, "It's a rock."

I laugh childishly at the stupidity but continue to watch until my phone beeped. I looked at it to see a text from Roman.

Roman: coming to pick up your beautiful ass in about a hour 😘

I roll my eyes,  but found myself smiling at the message.

Naomi: beautiful ass? 😂 you talking about me in general or my butt?

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