Oh you so stupid

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8/22/15 (I'm late..) HAPPY BIRTHDAY NEVILLE (my little elf ❤️😍) (this picture made me cry dude... It was on point 👌)

Dean's POV

'I'm about to lose my mind
You've been gone for so long
I'm running out of time...
I need a doctor...
Call me a doctor...
I need a doctor
To bring me back to life.'

I groan quietly at the lines of I need a doctor by Eminem. Especially to the lines that said 'I'm about to lose my mind' and 'I'm running out of time'. Thought hearing 'I need a doctor' didn't make me feel too comfortable either.

I glance at the clock, 12:33 am.

I groan slightly once again. We had left around eight and made one stop to use the restroom and rest a little. So we had about 45 minutes left before we entered Atlanta.

I glance over at Nikki's sleeping figure in the passengers seat, then at Brie's in the back seat.

'You shouldn't have brung them...' I thought, 'Hell, you shouldn't have brung Seth or Roman either...'

I shouldn't have drug any of them into this. This was my decision to fuck up my life, they shouldn't have to be in this with me. But I couldn't help but think... There has to be more than me just quitting on them... I mean, yeah, I know it was a pretty big deal to quit on them, but... I just don't know.

"Dean?" Nikki mumbled as she sat up slightly, "Are we there yet?"

"Not yet love." I say say to her, "Just go back to sleep."

She groaned but sat up straight, "I don't want to sleep anymore. I need you to tell me what's going on."

I sigh, "It's a lot to explain Nikki."

"We've got nothing but time." Nikki said.

"Actually," I said, "time is the only thing we don't have."

"Why are you talking so loud?" Brie asked while rubbing her eyes and sitting up, then she looked around and it seemed like realization was sinking in, "We haven't made it to Atlanta yet?"

I shake my head, "No, we're about 40 minutes out."

"So," Brie asked with a yawn, "What are you guys talking about?"

I sigh, "When I tell you what's going on... I swear if you tell anyone else-"

"Cut it with the threats Dean," Brie said, "I'm not telling anyone, so calm it down."

"Tell us Dean," Nikki said,"It's obvious the boys already know."

I sigh, "Remember a long time ago... Well it wasn't that long ago, but I feels like it... Anyways, you remember what you found in my jacket?"

"Yes..." She said while raising a eyebrow.

"What did you find?" Brie asked.

"Um..." Nikki said, "Drugs..."

"Oh..." Brie said.

I sigh again, "You remember how I said I got out?"

Nikki nodded, "It was the same night we got together. How could I forget."

I heard Brie mumble something and I look at her in the rear view mirror.

"What?" I ask her.

"I'll tell you in a minute." She said, "Keep talking."

I sigh, "Well they have really left me alone..."

"What do you mean?" Nikki asked.

"When Dean quit," Brie said, "It pissed the boss man off. Now he won't leave him alone. Right?"

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