Wishing Only Gets You So Far

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Dean's POV

"I need a order cheese fries and one salad." I tell Wade as I pass him the order sheet.

He raised a eyebrow, "What kind of order is this? Are they trying to eat unhealthy or healthy?"

"We don't question the customer, Wade!" I say laughing at him.

"It's a strange order!" Wade said with a laugh.

"Back to work, Boys." Alicia said as she walked into the kitchen.

"What are you doing here?" Wade asked as he put fries into the boiling grease, "You don't work till tomorrow."

Alicia shrugged, "I need money. And you make money by coming to work."

I laugh, "So who called it and asked you to fill in for them? Cause we all know that's what really happened."

Alicia laughed, "You know me so well. Cameron is sick as crap, she asked me to fill in."

"Dean!" Renee shouted, "Order number six is ready."

"On it!" I shout as I grab the tray and walk over to her and grab the plates.

I walk over to the table and hand out the plates to the table of ten people. While I'm there I clean of the mess the toddler made on the table and refill all of their glasses.

'I should get a pretty big tip from them,' I thought to myself, 'if I don't, that bull.'

"Why are we even so busy tonight?" Alicia asked, "It's Wednesday, not Friday."

"You wouldn't even know what it's like on Fridays," Wade said with a laugh, "You're always out there jumping around in the heat."

"It's called Cheerleading stupid," Alicia said with a laugh and hit him on his arm, "And I don't just jump around."

"I don't get it," I say to them, "I mean Nikki's in Cheer too, but I don't see the point."

"Honestly, the only reason I'm in there is because it's a type of gymnastics." Alicia said to me, "I like doing flips and toe touches... I'm not very fond of our team captains though."

"No ones fond of the miss Fox," Renee said with a laugh while handing me a tray full of new plates, "There all b-"

"No curse words in the work place!" Alicia shouted at her while laughing.

"I'm here!" Kevin said as he ran into the kitchen, "Don't fire me!"

Wade laughed, "Why are you late, again?"

"I had detention," He said while tying the apron behind his back, "Then I had to go help my mom out with some stuff."

"Detention again Kevin?" Renee asked with a laugh, "What did you do now?"

"Well Cody called me-" Kevin started but Alicia cut him off.

"Ok," she said laughing, "No more explaining. Just get to work."

I smile to myself as I walk out to give the table there order.

I'm not really sure what other jobs were like, but I actually liked this one. I'm not getting paid the best amount of money, but I make good tips. Plus the people that work here, Wade, Alicia, Cameron, Renee, and Kevin, along with some older people are cool to work with. The work was a little hard considering I'm the only waiter at the moment, but it's worth it.

"Someone looks busy tonight," I hear a voice say.

I turn around and see Dolph standing there with crutches smiling at me.

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