Rainy Days Don't Last Always

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8/24/15 HAPPY BIRTHDAY VINCE! ALSO 8/22/15 HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIMMY AND JEY 😍🔥👌 (DO YOU SEE THIS PICTURE?!?!? HOW COULD ANYONE EVEN CONSIDER BREAKING THEM UP?!?!...... If you wanna know something, you may wanna ready the authors note)

Roman's POV

"I'm too tired to walk." Naomi whined as I pulled Paige's car into our yard.

"When I get in here." Paige said as I turned the car off, "I'm going strait to sleep."

It was around one in the afternoon and we had just drove six hours back to Sheridan. We had left at around seven this morning and driving off of about three hours of sleep isn't the best thing to do. But was made it back in one piece so I guess that a good thing.

"Can we wait for Dean and Nikki to get here before we go in?" Naomi whines again, Dean went to go drop Brie off at her house because she wanted to go home.

I sigh, "Sure baby girl."

"Good." She mumbled while closing her eyes again. Once Dean and Seth came in the room early this morning, she didn't go back to sleep. And she was a little pissed off about it, but she'll live.

'The woman of my dreams.' I think to myself with a small laugh as she put her jacket over her face to block the light.

The four of us stay in the car for about ten more minutes until Dean rolled in the yard with Nikki.

"We gotta get out now?" Seth asked as he sat up strait.

"Might as well," I say, "You can go back to sleep when you get in the house."

"Carry me." Naomi mumbled as Seth and Paige got out the car and followed Dean and Nikki to the door.

I smirk, "What's wrong with your legs?"

"They don't work properly when I'm sleepy." She groaned and took the jacket off her head, "Please carry me?"

I sighed, but got out and went to her side and picked her up.

"Thank you." She said as she gave me a kiss on my cheek.

"You're Welcome." I say as I kiss her forehead and walk her into the house.

"Well," Dean said as I closed the door, "I'm pretty sure I'm about to pass smooth out if I don't get some sleep soon..."

"Everyone should get some rest," Seth said, "We've had a long night."

"I'm still confused about it all." Paige mumbled as she stretched.

"I'll explain when we wake up." Seth said while rubbing his eyes.

"Yeah," Dean said, "Plus Orton, H, and Punk keep blowing up my phone. We gotta tell them about it too... Come on Nikki."

"I wanna sleep here," Paige said while gesturing to the couch.

"Couldn't have said it better myself." Seth said while kissing her cheek.

I walk down the hallway and into my room and set Naomi on the bed.

"I stink." She mumbled as she laid back and closed her eyes.

"You wanna take a bath?" I ask her as I stretch.

"I really don't want too." She groaned, "But I need too. I stink and I don't want you to smell me."

I laugh, "How about we both take a bath?"

"Who's gonna go first?" She asked.

"I meant together Nams." I say with a laugh.

I laugh at her expression as she sat up and opened her eyes.

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