Equivalent to Hell

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I'm soooo happy for them! Nikki looked stunning and Seth looked sharp 😍😍😍

Seth's POV

"Flight number 165 is has now landed." The flight attendant said over the speaker, "We hope you enjoyed your flight."

"Paige." I say while shaking her slightly and she stirred some, "Precious were here."

"We're where?" Paige mumbled as she turned over some in her seat.

"Your home country." I tell her with a small laugh.

"Hell?" She mumbled and I thumped her arm slightly.

"We're in Norwich Paige." I say to her while rolling my eyes.

"Equivalent to hell." She mumbled as she opened her eyes and looked out the window, "Oh God I might throw up..."

"Oh it's just as beautiful as I remember." I heard Ms.Belvis say in the row behind use.

"It does look nice," I say to her as I look out the window at the scenery. It looked nice and calm here. I don't see how Paige didn't miss this place.

"Well let's get off the plane," Ms.Belvis said, "My sister should be waiting for us."

I nod and grab Paige's and my bag and make my way down the isle of the plane along with the other passengers.

"Aren't you excited?" I ask Paige as we walk out into the air port, "I mean your here now."

"No Seth," she said to me quietly, "Just leave me alone about the subject ok? I'm not changing my mind about this place."

"Why do you hate it-" I start but stop as someone called her mothers name.

"Ella?" The woman asked as she walked over hurriedly, "Is that you?"

"Caroline!" Ms.Belvis said while embracing the woman who looked similar to her in a hug, "It's been too long. God you look stunning."

"You as well little sister." Caroline said while releasing her and looking over in our direction.

"Paige is that you?" She says while walking over to her and giving her a hug, "I haven't seen you since you were a little girl."

Paige gave her a small smile, "All grown up now."

"And you must be Seth," she said while giving me a smile, "Ella talked about you non stop on the phone. It's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you as well." I say as I extended my hand but she pulled me into a hug instead.

"We give hugs in this family." She said with a laugh as she released me and I gave her a small smile.

"Well," she said with a smile, "Let's not stand around here. Everyone is waiting back at your old house. Everyone is there, Ronald, Carson, Charles, Kaleb, Kristina, Even mother decided to get her lazy bum up to come see you-"

"Old house?" Paige interrupted, "That thing is still there? You didn't sell it? Burn it? Tear it down?" 

"Oh no darling we kept it." Caroline said, "We kept it up too. Now, your room doesn't look like it use to-"

"And I'm perfectly fine with that." She interrupted, "But I just don't see why we can't just stay in a hotel."

"Paige don't be ridiculous," Ms.Belvis said, "We're staying in our house."

Paige opened her mouth to protest but quickly shut it and shook her head.

"Let's just get this over with." She mumbled while walking past the rest of us, "The faster I can get back to the states, the better."

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