Sexual Tention-itus

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Naomi POV

I'm about three hours into my Senior Year and I already hate it.

I mean first there was the confrontation with Seth and Brock this morning, and that just about pissed me off. Then I had to sit through four long periods and listen to teachers who are trying to act nice but you basically know there're going to be your least favorite. And the worst part is, I still have one more class period before lunch!

All I want to do is eat and take a nap! It was Dean's bright idea to make us all choose Lunch B because the later lunch always gives out free leftovers... Not that the food is any good, but hell it's free.

I groan and stop walking in the middle of the hallway, causing Nikki to look back at me.

"What's wrong Nams?" She asks backing up to me.

"I can't do this Nikki." I say stepping out of the crowd and lean agents one of the lockers.

Nikki raises an eyebrow, "We're just going to Physics Naomi..."

"That's not what I ment." I mumble, "I'm talking about this whole school thing. I really don't think I'm up to do it this year."

Nikki rolls her eyes, "Naomi, it's literally the first day! And it's Senior Year! What's the point in quitting when your almost done?"

I shrug, "It's not like I'm going anywhere."

"Naomi," Nikki says, "Stop looking down on yourself."

"But it's true." I say to her, "And even if I wanted to, it's not like we have the money."

"Nams, how many times do I have to tell you. I can help you out with the money-" Nikki starts but I cut her off.

"No Nikki, I don't want to be a charity case." I say slightly annoyed. I knew Nikki ment well, but I didn't need others pitying me again.

It would be no problem for Nikki's parents to pay for my full tuition, but they do it for publicity. Everyone in the Bella family, except Nikki, survives off of the lime light. They would pay for my tuition just to get a good word in a Magazine. I could just see it now: 'The Bella's help the less fortunate get into collage'. Yeah no thank you.

Nikki sighs, "I never said you were going to be a charity case. I just wanted to help you out."

I sigh. That was Nikki for you. She always put others before herself, weather you asked for it or not.

"Well how about you help yourself first Nik." I say, I was just about done with this entire conversation, "Come on we need to get to class."

She shakes her head, but continues to walk down the hall ahead of me.

A minute or so later we reach the classroom. You could tell that this room use to be a chemistry room because of the way the tables are set up.

Since we were one of the first ones in the class so we decided to pick our seat before anyone took the good ones.

Nikki choose a station fairly close to the back to the left. I thought it was a great choice. I'm not really one for sitting in the very front, or in the middle.

As time went along more people began to file into the room. And unlike every other class I've had this morning, I could tolerate these people, people I consider friends.

"Oh thank God you guys have this class!" Stephanie said walking towards us with Randy, "I thought I was going to have to be in a class all alone with this snake!" She gestured to Randy.

"Oh shut up." Randy says playfully, and we laugh.

"Aye!" I hear AJ's voice say. I suddenly see her running over to us. She looks at Stephanie frantically, "I walked in and saw everyone in pairs of two and shit! Please God tell me you don't have a partner yet."

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