Mind of a Child

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Roman's POV

"Sing to me."

"Doe, Rae, Me, Fa, No, La, Ti, Doe."


"Like your sense of humor, intelligence, pull out game-"

"Will you shut up?" I whisper shouted as I covered my hand over Naomi's mouth and she let out a small chuckle, "And you're a complete and utter liar."

She didn't respond as I took my hand from over her mouth, now allowing my arm to drape over her while she held onto it.

I let out a huff as I stretched out my legs over the couch in an attempt to adjust into a more comfortable position as the nagging sore in my back grew to become a bit more intolerable. After a day at school, then coming to the hospital just to wait around, the day seemed to drag on longer than anybody anticipated it to.

We had been here for the majority of the afternoon to show our support, and as far as I know there hasn't been any bad news.

That didn't make it any less boring.

Paige had crashed in one of the chairs while Seth only seemed semi awake himself. Brie sat quietly in one of the chairs a little ways away from us. Dean and Nikki also remained silent as they sat in chairs right next to each other, Sarah drowsily laying her head on Nikki's shoulder.

The only two people that would actually speak would be Naomi or myself. The conversation would be short, usually in a whisper between the two of us. Nothing serious, just something to break the silence.

"Is he okay or not?" Sarah questioned with a huff, "Seth gave blood hours ago. He should have been out by now."

"There probably letting him rest." I suggested while Nikki rubbed her back, "I'm sure he's fine Sarah."

"I'm not convinced until I see him." She protested while crossing her arms, "Why else would they be taking this long?"

"You gotta learn to think more positively kiddo." Dean sighed.

"Me? Positive? Only in a dream." She commented as she rose out of the chair, "I gotta go to the bathroom."

"You remember where it is?" Nikki asked and Sarah nodded.

"I've only used it 40 times today." She shrugged as she walked out of the room.

"She is something else." Naomi commented with a small laugh.

"I can't deny that." Dean commented as he stretched and leaned back in his chair, "Christ Almighty. What time is it?"

Naomi glanced at her phone, "7:05."

"We've actually been here all day." Nikki yawned.

"Look," Dean commented, "You guys don't have to stick around. You all can go home. Paige can take Nikki and Brie home. Nae can drop off Roman and Seth cause I obviously need the truck to get back to the house."

"Nah." Naomi commented.

"We're good here." Seth piped in as Paige stirred a bit next to him.

"You sure?" Dean commented, glancing in Brie's direction.

She didn't say anything but gave a small smile and one thumbs up.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2018 ⏰

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