This is awkward

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Float like a butterfly, Sting Like a Bee❤️

Paige's POV

'and if this lecture got anymore boring, I'd fall asleep.' I thought with a yawn as I laid my head down as Mr.Keeland continued to talk about something I clearly didn't care about.

"Wake up before he catches you." Evan shook me with a laugh, "You started to snore."

"What?" I say groggily, "I just laid my head down."

"You laid your head down at the beginning of class." She said, "Then you fell asleep. Then you started snoring. And you could have got detention."

"Damn," I yawn as I stretch, "Time flies when your dead to the world. Your a life saver E."

"If I had a dime for every time I heard that one." She mumbled with a slight laugh.

"Miss Marie." Mr.Keeland said, "Quit talking."

Eva's jaw dropped, "I'm not the only one freakin talking."

"I don't care, your the only one I hear." He said to her.

"Are you freaking serious right now." She said while putting her head down, "This is why I hate this freakin class."

"Sleep my darling." I say playfully while stroking her hair as Mr.Keeland turned around, "I'll make sure you don't snore."

She laughed slightly and hurried her head in her arms and closed her eyes just as my phone buzzed in my pocket.

I dig around in my pocket until I grasp my fingers around the item. Then I pull it out and place it between my legs so that I wouldn't get caught with it. I look to see a message from Seth. Before responding to it, I look across the room to see him looking at me with a slight smile but was shaking his head.

Seth: you keep getting in trouble up there.

Paige: excuse me sir. But it was not I who got in trouble.

Seth: at that very moment 😂 if Eva wouldn't have woke you up, you would have. You snore loud 😁

Paige: YOU LOVE MY SNORES SIR.😂 you said they sounded like a kitten.

Seth: Paige guess what?

Paige: what?

Seth: I... Lied 😱

Paige: my feelings are hurt 😢

Seth: let me comfort you.

Paige: you hurt me

Seth: let me make it better though.

Paige: we still talkin about snoring?

Seth. I was just about to ask the same question.

I look up from my phone and over to him to where he was staring back at me as well. Then I look back down on my phone.

Paige: always confusing me.

Seth: what's confusing about it?

Paige: don't start. Let's just drop it. Remember we got a date coming up.

Seth: wouldn't miss it for the world.

I roll my eyes, but smile slightly as I turn my phone off.

"Alright." Mr.Keeland said loudly and I almost jumped, "For the rest of the period, get into groups and finish the paper we started yesterday."

"In groups of how many-" Neville started to ask but Seth clamped a hand over his mouth and lead him out of his chair and to the back.

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