I don't lose

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Naomi's POV

You know that feeling of being awake, but you refuse to open your eyes? Yeah well that's exactly what I'm doing right now.

And it's a shame when you can feel the headache coming on and your eyes are still closed.

I don't want to even try to open my eyes, because my room has two windows that allow this really bright ball of fire known as 'the sun' shine freely into my room. And if I think I have a headache now... Just wait wait till I open my eyes.

'Your going to get up eventually Naomi,' I thought to myself, 'Maybe you should go cook Dad some breakfast or something.'

I groan slightly and slowly open my eyes to prepare for the worse.

The first thing I realized, is that I wasn't in my room.

This room had one window and a black curtain was covering it, allowing very little sunlight to come in, but it's still enough to ignite this headache like hell.

I groan louder and try to change my position but something was holding me back.

I look down and arms wrapped around my bare waist holding me against his chest tightly.

'Gosh, Naomi,' I think to myself, 'did you really sleep with someone last night?'

I try to think back to last night, but everything is foggy.

The guy changed positions to where he had a arm draped over my stomach and had put a lot of his wait on me.

'Ok,' I think to myself, 'You gotta get this guys off you before you suffocate.'

"Hey," I say, "Dude you gotta get up."

He groans holds me tighter to him.

"Dude," I say once again, then pat him on his arm, "Your gonna crush me. You gotta get up."

'That is a big ass arm...." I think to myself.

He groans once again but moves both of his arms off of me and turns over.

I sit up and look at him. He had his back turned to me. He had hair longer than my own, and a back muscular.

'Did that even make sense?' I think to myself. 'What the heck is a muscular back? Well.... It's what this guy has...'

I glanced at the clock next to me on the nightstand, 1:02 pm

"Crap," I mumble to myself. I didn't realize I had slept that long.

"Hey," I say to the guy, "wake up dude, it's like past noon and everything. You gotta wake the hell up."

He groans, "Leave me alone Dean."

I raise a eyebrow.

'Dean?' I think to myself while looking at him again, my eyes land on his hair...

My eyes widen. This couldn't... No.

'No,' I think to myself, 'No, no, no, no, no!'

I could feel myself beginning to panic, this couldn't be who I thought I was.

"R-Roman?" I ask, hoping and praying that it wasn't really him.

"What?" He mumbles and everything feels like it's spinning.

"Fucking shit!" I shout while placing my head in my hands.

I cannot believe this is happening right now.

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