You're Irrelevant

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Seth's POV

"Seth," Mrs.Lambert called out as she set buckets pl, "Hunter, Jamie, Joey, and Shawn, since you are the only boys in the class, you will all be in a group."

"Why do I have to be in a group with Shawn?" Hunter groaned, "He can't even draw a square."

"Why do you always talk about the things I can't do?" Shawn said while rolling his eyes, "Let's talk about the things I can do, like still your girl and ride off into the sunset or some shit."

"We'll never get anything done with those two arguing." Jamie mumbled as he sunk down in his seat.

I rolled my eyes at my group and lay my head down on my desk.

Monday's made me want to jump off of a bridge into a boiling pot of water or something. Like why the hell is Friday so close to Monday, but Monday is so far away from Friday.

"You look cheerful." A voice said with a laugh and I look up to see Paige.

"Get away from my table Belvis." Shawn said playfully while sticking out his tongue.

"Hey Michaels," she said with a smile, then flipped him off, "Fuck off."

"Ouch." Shawn said while holding his hand over his heart, "I'm hurt Paige, really."

Paige rolled her eyes, then turned her attention back to me, "You wanna go somewhere?"

I raise a eyebrow at her, "Somewhere like where? We can't just skip class right now."

She rolled her eyes, "Oh come on Seth. Stop worrying about class, it'll be fine."

"Seth," Hunter said, "Stop being dumb and just go with her."

"Shut up Hunter." I mumbled while standing up and following Paige up to Mrs.Lambert's desk.

"Hey Mrs L," Paige said as we got closer to the desk, "Can we go to the bathroom?"

She glanced up from her phone and looked at us, "Together? Cause you know it's kinda against the rules and stuff."

Paige shrugged, "Keep it a secret for me?"

She looked at us for a few more seconds then shrugged, "Eh, I don't care, knock yourselfs out."

"Thank you!" Paige shouted out as she walked out the door an I followed behind her.

"Where are we going?" I ask her as she walked ahead of me.

She shrugged, "Wherever my mind tells me to go."

"Where is your mind telling you to go?" I ask her with a small laugh.

"Stop asking question and just enjoy the walk." She said to me as we continued to walk.

"Fine,fine, fine." I say to her as we walk past some classes that were currently in  session.

"Skippers!" Shouted Zack who was leaning against the lockers with Cody.

"Are you skipping too?" Paige asked him.

"You know it." He said back to her.

"Then shut it." She said to him and continued down the hall.

"Mean ass." He said to her and she laughed.

"Come in Seth." She said while holding the door that lead into the main building open.

"Do you do this often?" I ask her as we continue to walk.

"Oh no not that much." She told me.

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