What can I say? I have a pretty face.

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Story takes place two weeks later. Meaning it takes place the week of thanksgivings. I told you, the second book is gonna time jump a lot. ps it's a long chapter. on to the story!

Nikki's POV

"That feeling of waking up on a Monday and not having to go to school is amazing." Naomi said as switched positions on the couch and put her feet on Roman's legs.

"Tell me about it." Dean said as he laid his head on chest as pulled the covers on us more.

"Is it Christmas yet?" Paige asked as she turned over in her sleep on the floor with Seth.

"I want presents." Seth mumbled as he shifted as well.

"You're about a month off, Paigy." I say with a laugh and she groaned.

"You two need to wake up." Roman said with a laugh.

"What time is it?" Seth asked as he sat up.

"7:15." Dean said.

"Hell no." Paige mumbled, "I'm on break. I'm not getting up at the crack of fucking dawn."

"Come on Paige. We always wake up early on the first day of Thanksgiving break." I say with a laugh. It was kinda our tradition to all sleep over at my house on the Sunday before thanksgiving break, then wake up extremely early. It had always just been our thing.

She groaned and sat up, "Whoever made it a tradition needs to be shot."

"You did." Naomi said with a laugh, "I distinctly remember during Freshman year that you said 'Hey guys, let's all get up at the crack of dawn and-'"

"You know what." Paige said while making a fake gun with her hand, then pretended to shoot herself.

"Don't do that." Seth said with a laugh, "You're too beautiful to be shot."

"Am I too beautiful to be shot?" Dean asked, "Wait, don't answer that. I'm fabulous."

"Who's idea was it for us to sleep in the living room?" Paige asked, "Cause I'm pretty sure that it wasn't mine. Can we go up to your room? It's warmer up there."

"It is cold down here." Dean said.

"I wanna lay down on the couch in your room." Naomi said, "It's more comfortable than this one."

I shrug, "I don't see why not. We can just watch TV up there."

"I'm so ready for our Christmas get together!" Paige said as we all grabbed our blankets and pillows and headed upstairs.

"Are you talking about the Winter Dance?" Naomi asked, "Or our little get together?"

"Our little get together." Paige said as we entered my room, "I live for that day honestly."

"I like it because it's so simple." Seth said. Every year, on the day that we get out for winter break, that night we all gather at my house and watch The Polar Express and drink hot chocolate, eat popcorn, and cookies then go to sleep. It was so simple, but we all loved it.

"I do too." Roman said, "But where are we spending Christmas Eve and Christmas this year? Last year it was at our house. Even though it was a little packed, it was fun."

"We can have it at my house." Paige said, "Seth and I will be leaving for Norwich on the 26th so it'll all work out if we have it at my house."

"Great." Dean said, "But where are we gonna have Thanksgiving this year, I mean it's in four days and we haven't decided on anywhere."

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