I like pie

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Naomi's POV

"Is it hot?" Benny asked as I held him in my arms while I continued to stir the soup I was making for Nikki and Dean, but there was plenty for everyone else to eat some.

"Yep." I say to him, "That's why there's smoke coming off of it,"

"Oh." He said before making his head down on my chest, "It smells goods."

"Thank you babyboy." I say to him as I hold him closer. Ever since the hospital scare, he's been a bit inactive and less hyper and it's a bit sad to me.

"He sleep?" I hear Roman ask as he enters the kitchen.

"No I'm not sleep Ro-boat." Benny said said with a yawn and I laughed.

"Where's Sarah?" I asked him.

"She's-" Roman started, but got cut off by the sound of glass breaking.

"Breaking stuff." Roman said as we both walked into the kitchen to see Sarah barefoot around broken glass that was on the floor.

Dean sighed from the chair he was sitting in, "I told you not to drop it."

"I didn't drop it." Sarah said back to him, "I lost my grip and gravity took place."

"Stay still Sarah." Seth said while walking over to pick her up so she wouldn't cut herself, "I don't want you getting cut."

"Pfft." She said to him, "I'm invincible."

"You cried when you stepped on a lego." Benny said to her as Roman retreated to the living room to get a broom.

"Legos are the devil." She said with a shutter and I laughed.

"Sarah sweetie sit down." Nikki said from the other chair, "You're gonna hurt yourself."

"Fine." She said with a huff before plopping down on the couch.

"Roman!" Dean shouted, "Can you bring my pain killers?"

"Didn't you just take some about 15 minutes ago?" Roman asked him as he handed the broom to Paige.

"Yeah but I'm hurting like hell." Dean said to him.

"Just give the medicine some time to kick in Dean," He said to him.

"Or you can just bring me the damn pills." Dean said to him, "Don't argue with me Roman just bring me my stuff."

"I won't argue with you," Roman said to him while walking back into the kitchen, "But I'm not brining you the pills."

Dean glared at him as he left, then looked at me, "Will you go freakin talk to him or something."

I sighed but nodded and walked into the kitchen where Roman had started stirring the soup that I had almost forgotten was on the stove.

"Why can't you just give Dean his medicine?" I asked him with a sigh, "You know he gets irritable when he's in pain."

"Yes I know." He said to me, "But I know those pills are addicting, and the last thing I need is for him to be addicted to them."

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