Taste Like Dirt Water

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Takes place a little before Dean found out about Dolph.

Paige's POV

"Paige dear," I heard my mother call, "Put that stack of papers in that folder and put it in the filing cabinet for me."

I sigh, but put my phone down and do as I was told. I mean it's the least I could do, this is my job after all.

I work with my mother at the hospital about three nights of the week. It's not actually a real job. The hospital doesn't even give me a paycheck. My mum just pays me a little out of hers. Normally ten to twenty dollars. It's not much but it's money, and considering I normally just sit there and scroll through social media... I'd say I'm making pretty good money.

"Thank you sweetheart." She says as I sit back down.

"Welcome, mum." I say to her while picking up my phone again."

For an emergency room, it had been fairly peaceful tonight. Only about two people have came through the door on the stretcher. I guess no one coming to the emergency room is a good thing, but it's quite boring in here.

"Paige," my mother said sitting down next to me, "What on earth are you doing on that phone?"

"Nothing mum," I say while texting Nikki about the party that was in less than two days.

"It's obviously something," she said to me glancing at my message that I sent, "did I just see the word party?"

I sigh, "Yes mum, I'm going to a party after the game on Friday."

"You never said anything to me about a party," she says to me, "You could have at least told me about it."

I groan, "Are you saying I can't go or something?"

She pursed her lips, "It depends. Who's all going to be there?"

I sigh, "Nikki, Naomi, Seth-"

"You had me at Seth!" She exclaims, "You can go, but I don't want grandchildren yet. The keyword was 'yet'"

"I can guarantee that won't be happening soon." I say rolling my eyes, "Don't you have some nursing to do somewhere?"

"Does it look there's anyone who needs help in here, Paige?" She asks me with a laugh.

I take a glance around the room and my eyes land on a old lady sleeping in the waiting room.

I point to her, "Well she looks about dead."

She slaps my hand, "Paige! It's not nice to point!"

I roll my eyes, "Of course it isn't."

Suddenly the emergency doors burst open with the paramedics and another person on a stretcher.

"Gotcha another one, Ella." The paramedic named Marcus said to my mother.

My mother groans, "It's always someone. Do me a favor and go get me a soda while I handle this." She handed me the money and ran off to go check on the new injured patient.

I get up and walk into the hallway where a vending and soda machine were stationed. I get my mothers favorite soda, Fanta Strawberry, and make my way back to the desk.

I open the soda and take a sip, surely she wouldn't mind.

I screw the top back ok and set on the desk and go to sit down.

I pull my phone out again, but still hadn't got a reply, so I put back up.

"Please let him be alright..." I heard a voice say. I glance up to the waiting room and see a blond girl pacing back and forth.

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