You Look Handsome Bald

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Roman's POV

"Roman," Mr.David said and I looked up from my phone which I was hiding under my jacket and was trying to secretly text back Dean.

"Daniel," He continued and I let out a breath of relief, knowing that I hadn't been caught, "Hunter, Edge, Christian and Kofi, your all in a group."

"Yes!" Edge said while giving Christian a high five, "We got Daniel!"

"Jesus." Daniel mumbled and rolled his eyes as he got up and made his way to the back of the room to get the papers that we would need for the assignment.

"Edge, Christian," Hunter said to them, "If your going to be in this group, your gonna work, and not play around."

"Us?" Edge asked.

"We'd never!" Christian exclaimed.

"We're so going to fail." Kofi said while plopping down, "Cause I know for a fact that I don't know this shit and none of you guys either."

"Hey hey hey," Daniel said while sitting down, "If I'm in the group, we're not failing."

"That's what I'm talkin bout!" Edge said, "Daniel's got this!"

"You're still doing your part Edge," Daniel said while passing him his paper.

"Damn it..." He mumbled.

"Tell me when are we ever going to need to know..." Christian said while looking over the paper, "When Leonardo was born? I don't think I'm going to need to know that to be a comedian."

"Yeah," Hunter said while rolling his eyes, "Cause you'll really be a comedian."

"Hey," Edge said, "Don't doubt us. We could have our own show."

"It could be called The Christian and Edge show." Christian said.

"More like the Edge and Christian show." Edge said.

"Christian and Edge!" Christian protested

"Edge and Christian!" Edge protested back.

"Hey dumbasses," Chris said while turning would from his group, "Can you please the hell shut up?"

"Be nice to us Jericho!" Christian shouted at him.

"We could be your boss one day." Edge said with a laugh.

"I rather shoot myself." Chris said with a groan and turned around.

I groaned slightly and laid my head down on my desk. We'd never get any work done with them being in this group.

"What's wrong with you?" I heard someone whisper in my ear, and I look up to see my beautiful girlfriend.

"Hey," I say to her, surprised to see her in this class period, "What are you doing in here?"

"I'm suppose to be in the restroom," she said with a small laugh, "But I rather come by and see you for a couple of minutes."

"Hey Naomi," Edge said while winking, "How are you sexy?"

"Hey Edge," I say to him, "Wink again, and I'll stab you in the face with this pen."

"I forgot you were sitting there Reigns," he said then turned his attention back to Naomi and smiled which caused me to glare at him.

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