Dreams and Nightmares

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Paige POV

"Oh don't be a baby," I say with a laugh as I gently applied a bag of ice to Seth's upper chest, "It's just ice, Sethy."

"It's freaking cold." He said as he shivered some and grabbed one of my blankets that was on my bed.

"Well I'm guessing it would be cold since it's frozen water." I say to him.

He shook his head but smiled at me, "Thank you for helping me."

"No problem," I say to him, "Why did you even sign up for Powerlifting anyways?"

"Cause I told Brock I would do it this year with him." Seth said while picking up a bag of ice and applying it to his lower back, "He said that its just the first day and the soreness won't last always."

"Just because you join," I say to him, "Doesn't mean you have to bench your weight the first day Seth."

"Well," he said to me, "Tamina said that if I wanted to even compete at the first match, then I have to bench my weight by the first week. I might as well just have got that over with today. Coach Bennett was impressed."

"And now your all sore." I say to him, "Your gonna feel even more sore tomorrow you know. And your legs are pretty swollen too. Stop trying to impress people so much."

"I'm not." He said with a laugh, "I just kinda did it."

"Well just don't get hurt," I say to him, "Promise me that."

"I promise I won't get hurt." He said then placed a kiss on my for head.

"So who's all on the team?" I ask him.

"Me, Brock, Shamus, Mark, Show," he said to me, "Dolph is coming in tomorrow, and Tamina."

I laugh, "I swear she never does girly sports like Volleyball."

"She really loves lifting though." Seth said to me with a laugh, "She's just another one of the guys when she's in there."

"We gotta girly her up." I say with a laugh, "If she ever wants to get a man."

"Well she flirts constantly with-" he started but stopped and shook his head, "Nevermind."

"Who?" I shout at him and push his shoulder.

"Ouch." He mumbled and held his shoulder.

"Oops." I say to him as I place the bag on his shoulder now, "Sorry... But tell me!"

He laughed slightly, "I'm not saying. Cause I don't know for sure. I don't even know if the two of them know that their doing it."

"Do I know this person?" I ask him.

"I'm not telling Paige." He said to me.

"Come on." I whine as I lay back on my bed, "Please?"

"Nope." He said to me with a laugh.

"Fine." I say while taking my phone out my pocket and type a message to Naomi, "I have my ways of finding out."

Paige: do me a favor and pry Mina intolerant she confessed who she likes.

"Are you texting her?" Seth asked me with a laugh.

I shake my head as Naomi texted me back.

Namoi: Teamin up with the Boss for this one 👌🏽✨😈

I laugh at the thought of Naomi and Sasha bugging Tamina until she told them. But knowing her, she'd never tell.

"Stop investigating other people's love life's and worry about ours." He said while pulling me closer to him as he laid down on my bed.

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